View Full Version : lump in neck

07-09-15, 21:16
Just found lump in my neck. But I have got a bad ear and a little sore lump behind it. But this is my neck same side. I'm ready to sleep but worried now.

07-09-15, 21:27
Is it your gland? Cos if you have a painful ear then your gland will be up x

08-09-15, 12:09
its by my gland. on the bone of the neck leading down from ear. i,ve also got one behind my bad ear

08-09-15, 20:12
Those are lymph nodes, they get enlarged for any number of reasons such as (small) tooth infections etc. Nothing out of the ordinary really.

08-09-15, 20:21
I have a benign lymph node in my neck. Also, when my partner had an infected boil on his scalp, he got lumps behind ear and neck, could only describe this as like frozen peas under his skin, once infection had gone, the lumps cleared up in about a week. This is part of your bodies defense mechanism to fight infections.

09-09-15, 11:42
thank you. yes my lump don,t seem to prominente now.. if thats how spell it.