View Full Version : Intense throat worry ruins. It my life. Need perspective/reassurance.

07-09-15, 22:41
I am a 38 year old male with a history of intense episodes of HA.

These last couple of weeks I have been obsessing over my throat. After going back to work after the summer, it feels strange. It is not as if I am coming down with a cold. It it rather a strained/irritated feeling in my throat. It can be likened to the feeling after having hyperventilated to the point of straining the 'air tubes'; the feeling after snoring for an entire night; the feeling after running/bicycling in rainy, windy, cold weather. A slightly 'rough', dry, and strained sensation (rather than pain) in the top of the throat.

I have been trying to explain it away with air humidity, colder temperatures, strained voice, mild gastric reflux etc. But I am constantly obsessing over this being 'deadly', 'not ever going away'. I am fixating on checking/feeling whether the sensation is gone. Feels better after eating/drinking. But always comes back. It is there when I wake up and stays on top of my mind throughout the day. I am totally going crazy! Please help!

08-09-15, 00:12

Thats how i ended up on here 4 years ago .

Pro longed sore throat that i obessed about it drove me bad , so much so i got dry mouth , sore strained neck , pains in my throat , ears etc etc .

It was put down to silent reflux in the end , but deep down i now know it was anxiety causing most of it .

BTW a salt water gargle will take any soreness away if it is reflux .

I feel for you i know what its like but mine was nothing and went away , many posts on here from peeps that had the same .