View Full Version : Zopiclone for sleep, take during day?

Shapeshifting Lizard
08-09-15, 01:39
The title's a bit misleading, I'm not going to do this it's just an idea I have. Has anyone else noticed zopiclone sort of making your mind clearer? I noticed when I went to that rehab place, the half an hour or so before I settled down my mind just felt clear and more rational, and I was happier too. This happened a few times. Now it's the middle of the night and although I was gonna go to sleep I suddenly want to stay on forums and chat. I know I've wasted it tonight cause the peak'll've worn off by now unfortunately but yeah. I started kidding myself it might be good as a calmer during the daytime, and some sources do say it releases GABA like ordinary calmers do, just through a different mechanism. What do you guys think of zopiclone

I also read a forum in which a few people there reckoned it's fun to write while on zopiclone too, but that was probably with a non-therapeutic dose and I've not noticed it being any easier or fun.

08-09-15, 04:25
Using zopiclone to calm you during the day is not a good idea. It might dull your senses and you could have an accident.

There are plenty of relaxants if you ask your doctor.

09-09-15, 08:23
very happy to this information