View Full Version : As I fall asleep I stop breathing

08-09-15, 09:45
I am sitting here terrified out of my mind. For a year or so now I will occasionally get the feeling that my brain has forgotten to breathe as I try to fall asleep and I will jolt awake. - I have been wearing a pulse oximeter when this happens and it shows my oxygen sat drops to 90% - throughout the day it remains normal at 97-99%. My GP said it is not normal to fall this low during sleep. This can happen several times in a row before I eventually fall asleep and stay asleep until morning. I am absolutely terrified that this is central sleep apnea - which can be caused by ALS, MS and brain tumours and the outlook is horrendous in any case. My Dr has ordered a brain scan as I have been having blurred vision. He will also discuss this with the respiratory team. I have never been more terrified in my life, every time I go to bed I am scared I will never wake up. I have also been becoming more breathless in the day for about a year. I've had about 50 blood tests, ecgs, chest xrays - all fine. Has anyone else experienced this?

08-09-15, 10:05
My son does this. He's 4. I was told it's sleep apnea xx

08-09-15, 10:27
Hi, yes on occasion I have. It is scary sometimes. But, my brain does always kick in and make me start breathing again. I've been suggested to go to a sleep clinic but I haven't had that stopping breathing thing for a long time so I haven't worried about it.

natalie yog
08-09-15, 10:46
I've done this a lot it's a horrible feeling and then afterwards I over think my breathing and can't relax.

08-09-15, 11:12
Hi, Lele. Try not to worry about it. I have often had this feeling and I am almost 100% certain that it is just that - a feeling. The transition from wakefulness to sleep often provokes strange occurrences and feelings, made more bizarre by the fact that the brain is only half conscious. I'm sorry about your other issues, I hope they turn out well!
Regards, Peterthegreatworrier. :)

23-09-15, 12:42
Have they tested for sleep apnea my best friend as it and she now as a machine she wears at night wasn't ms or tumours or anything but sleep apnea they sent her to a sleep clinic over night that's how she got diagnosed

29-09-15, 20:49
I used to get this. Jolting awake repeatedly gasping for air in a panic. Someone kindly suggested I stop having a cup of tea before bed. It worked! Caffeine was the problem for me. Now I don't drink it after 6pm and have a cup of chamomile before bed. :)
Caffeine and anxiety don't mix (for me anyway) :)