View Full Version : Is it just a boil?

08-09-15, 12:21
My HA will sky rocket the moment I have a new symptom. Like now, I have one small bump or cyst at my lower bump and about three inches away from the anus. Discovered it while taking my shower. It was a bit uncomfortable and just now could see little pus came out. Cleaned it with antibacterial soap and applied some fucidin on it.

What fueled my anxiety now is the thought that it could be something more sinister like the start of fistula-in-ano or something. I am so scared. I had a similar one before on my lower left bump about two months ago, a small cyst but never came to a head. It was cleared with a 5day course of antibiotics. Now I have it again, this time on the right side. Is it just a boil? I am extremely worried for getting it quite often. I will go see my GP tomorrow for him to take a look at it. Anyone with similar experience?

08-09-15, 12:32
I used to get them quite a bit. I had to have one cut out. Nothing to worry about :)

08-09-15, 13:51
Thanks for the reply Pepperpot. Do you need to take antibiotics every time you have it?

10-09-15, 10:04
Is it just above the crease in your bum, usually on the top left? I had a pilonidal abscess, it's basically a cluster of hair which grows inwards and turns in to an abscess, you can take antibiotics but you'll need to have it taken out. It's only a minor op and takes about 30 mins.

Antibiotics will help clear it but won't cure it. Let us know how you get on.

10-09-15, 11:33
No it was a sebaceous cyst. Got one on my face now but they won't cut it out x

10-09-15, 16:12
Mine is on the lower bum. Not a pilonidal cyst. My GP said I did not require antibiotics, it should heal by itself. I only apply the antibiotic ointment fucidin on it. It still hurts a bit though and I am wondering how long does it take for it to disappear.