View Full Version : I can't cope :(

08-09-15, 15:23
It feels as though once I overcome a fear of one thing related to my health, something else comes along to fill its gap. I'm finding it really hard to cope at the moment and feel hopeless that I'll ever be properly happy again.

Anxiety overshadows every aspect of my life and it's making me miserable. I'm jealous of people who are carefree and happy, that's how I used to be myself, so I'm jealous of my past self!

I find it hard to be 'in the moment' as my mind is wandering all over the place, anticipating something bad happening, or feeling as though I should be monitoring myself for symptoms.

I've been crying non stop for the past three hours.

Does anybody else feel this way?

Anybody who has overcome/is overcoming this?


natalie yog
08-09-15, 15:27
Trust me you're not alone. Right now I feel like I'll never feel "normal" again and have cried everyday. Every little thing seems to irritate me and like you I look a people and think how lucky they are not to feel like this (unless they do and are good at hiding it). But trust me there are plenty of people on here who feel the same way.

08-09-15, 15:48
alot of people are good at hiding a lot of things :-)
i can promise you that everyone has problems..maybe not the same problems you have but everyone does...you are normal you are just having a difficult time right now

08-09-15, 20:18
Sending hugs your way. You're not alone...it's like you can't catch a break and every time some reassurance comes along about one thing, there's something else to worry about. You wish it would all just stop...I sometimes wish it was a physical little entity inside my head that I could just pull out and chuck away. It's horrendous. But you'll get through it like you always have.

Remember that whoever you meet may seem care-free...if you meet me in person, I'm perhaps the least likely person you'd ever expect to be on anti-depressants. But we're all fighting battles. You are never ever alone.

08-09-15, 20:23
Totally relate to above, at work I'm a calm, confident person. I come home, and all the anxiety returns, I know it's cause my mind wanders when I'm not busy.
Good luck, tomorrow is another day and hopefully it will be a better one for you. X

08-09-15, 20:32
The thoughts you are experiencing are a result of chemical imbalances in your body/brain and yes, you can and most likely will definitely overcome it. A few things that are very helpful in my experience are meditation, sports/intense activity, and eating healthy (cut out caffeine!).

Therapy is also proven to be very effective, with medication if needed. I personally cope very well with just living a healthy, active life.

08-09-15, 20:43
Instead of I can't cope, try telling yourself you will cope. Xxx

08-09-15, 21:28
I feel the same x