View Full Version : can anxiety make you feel so unwell

08-09-15, 16:12
I know h.a. causes so many symptoms but I feel so tired weak just sitting eating a meal. I have been under severe stress constantly for months and as my other posts will show have had the usual symptoms. This is the worst for me I cannot function normally.

My fear of a brain tumour has lessened a lot mainly because the temple pain lessened and somedays I dont notice it. I thought i would feel normall again but no. I am so so tired, no energy just moving is an effort and believe me that is not like me, I never stopped. I am so down, teary, weak. I have tried to push myself but just walking round the shops makes me feel bad.
I have had so many tests all normal so what can I do it has been about 3 weeks now, surely as I am not so scared I should be feeling better.
Has anyone else had this after they calmed down a bit or during their worst moments, I know I am still stressed but just not so bad

08-09-15, 19:12
Yes, constant anxiety can affect your immunity and can leave you feeling run down. Give yourself time and you'll start feeling better soon.

08-09-15, 21:57
Definitely, permanent anxiety can give you physical symptoms long after the anxiety has gone. Your body needs time to unwind xx

08-09-15, 22:03
I know h.a. causes so many symptoms but I feel so tired weak just sitting eating a meal. I have been under severe stress constantly for months and as my other posts will show have had the usual symptoms. This is the worst for me I cannot function normally.

My fear of a brain tumour has lessened a lot mainly because the temple pain lessened and somedays I dont notice it. I thought i would feel normall again but no. I am so so tired, no energy just moving is an effort and believe me that is not like me, I never stopped. I am so down, teary, weak. I have tried to push myself but just walking round the shops makes me feel bad.
I have had so many tests all normal so what can I do it has been about 3 weeks now, surely as I am not so scared I should be feeling better.
Has anyone else had this after they calmed down a bit or during their worst moments, I know I am still stressed but just not so bad


Long term anxiety can lead to depression , it does with me its anxiety first then depression .

Being teary , weak and feeling down ....classic depression symtoms .

Have you discussed this with your DR ?

You might pull yourself out of it but i needed meds they really helped .

Best wishes

08-09-15, 22:11
Absolutely, when my anxiety gets really bad I feel totally drained all the time and some days I feel like I can hardly drag my body around, I'm so shattered. I can feel like this for weeks at a time and it can take a good while to go once my anxiety diminishes.

09-09-15, 04:20
thanks guys

11-09-15, 10:11
Thank you everyone,
It is so scary along with all the other odd symptoms. I can just be sitting when this weird shaky feeling comes over me, leg and arm feel weak. Worse after eating too.
Anyone else like this. At the moment I feel so hopeless this will ever get better

11-09-15, 14:32
100% yes, my anxiety makes me feel chronically exhausted, weak, ill, faint, dizzy, all day every day. It is literally that bad.

20-10-15, 06:45
Hi Maria, i know this is an old post already, and how are you doing? This is what i am right at this moment especially right after eating i get so weak, tired and feeling ill plus other odd symptoms.i am really starting to worry bout it, it has been 3 days already

silver blaze
20-10-15, 09:05
yes I can feel like this after eating specially a big meal, weak drained, heart bumping like mad

20-10-15, 09:18
I'm going through a stressful stage at the mo too and have been for a few months and its peaked in the last few weeks and since then I've caught every big going, I'm covered in spots, ulcers and styes and every muscle and joint in my body feels achy and I have zero energy.

Stress makes me more ill than any bug I've ever had. At least a bug is usually short lived and you know you'll be fine in a few days or a week but stress can linger on for so long.

20-10-15, 11:58
I'm currently waiting on results from a a head MRI, and I had no symptoms until I heard about my scan referral. Suddenly, I have constant headaches, am dizzy, can't eat and have vision problems. Anxiety can take over your body in astonishing and scary ways. I have faith that we will both be okay :)

20-10-15, 14:11
Pleased to say I am much better. The weakness has got better. Still have odd symptoms from time to time, eye floaters, pains in leg shin, occasional stab of pain in temple and tiredness but it is improving.
Hard to believe stress can do all this but it can and more, once I started to believe stress related I improved.
You will too

30-11-15, 15:13
Hi, pepperutchie and everyone who was kind enough to answer. The feeling shaky after food has been better until recently in fact it went away. Now I am very anxious again due to feeling constantly dizzy that it has returned.
At least now I know it ebbs and flows it is not so scary. This H.A is the worst thing to deal with. I try to eat smaller meals but from research something called the vagus nerve can cause this and lots more. I have acid reflux and hiatus hernia which irritates this nerve which connects to our brain causing weird symptoms. Who knows but it is a possibility