View Full Version : end of my tether

08-09-15, 16:25
9 months of constant anxiety, 5 or 6 panics a day. I dread getting up in the morning for groundhog day to start again. On medication ,seeing a psychologist but don't feel like there's an end to it. Can't work because of agoraphobia having to claim benefits for the first time in my life. Have suffered with this on and off for 20 years but this last breakdown has made me feel broken and no one can fix me. I have suicidal thoughts but know I won't act on them because of the devastation I'd leave behind but can't face living like this either. Help,advice suggestions please

08-09-15, 21:00
Hi, sorry to hear that you're going through this so bad for this length of time. Have you spoken to your GP or therapist about the meds that you're on? Could you look at increasing or changing them to something else? Hang in there. I know it's hard. Xo.

08-09-15, 21:44
What medication are you on? Could this possibly be tolerance withdtawal to your meds? Hang in there, you WILL get better even though it doesn't feel like it now.
Have you tried exercise, meditation, magnesium? These are things that have helped me...

09-09-15, 15:09
Gp has increased my venlafaxine to 225mg and am taking 1 and a half diazepam a day. Feel a bit less depressed today not had massive panic attack because am not being stubborn about taking diazepam. Been looking up acupuncture. Has anyone else tried it?

09-09-15, 18:27
Yes. I have tried it twice. The first time I didn't think anything of it. I went to a lady that wasn't very good.
But then about a year later I was recommended somebody else and she is absolutely fantastic and has helped me soooo much xx

10-09-15, 16:16
Thanks just need to find an acupuncturist who will do home visit now!