View Full Version : Itching all over the place.

08-09-15, 16:45

I have a fear of Lymphoma I have had this fear since I found 2 Lymph Nodes above my adams apple. I was doing well I haven't checked the Lymph Nodes in 2 days as I think I may have irritated the one as I keep messing with them.

I have had them checked by my doctor and an ultrasound but the one has doubled in size so I was worried about it again had it rechecked the doctor said it was okay and still small just to keep on eye on it.

Anyway out of nowhere last night I started to itch all over, Its not really bad but its enough that it annoys me. I have checked and there is no reason for me to actually be itching and I am now worried as I know due to all my Googling before that Itching is a sign of Lymphoma and of course I am worried that the itching and the Lymph nodes are a sign of lymphoma.

I don't know what to do, I am getting really annoyed by it I don't want to worry about this anymore I want to move on but every time I am ready to move on another thing pops up and makes my fear of lymphoma worse.

I am currently waiting for CBT as it is a long waiting list but I have taken the steps to beating this but for now I have to sit in worry as I have no idea what to do.


08-09-15, 19:09
Do you have blotches or rashes (could be an irritation to something)? If not then I wouldn't worry. The doctor said that the lymph nodes looked fine and he is not worried, if it was anything sinister you would have known by now.

08-09-15, 20:27

No I don't have any marks at all just from the scratching I keep doing. I know I shouldn't worry as I have been told not to by my Doctor but the "What if's" have started to come flooding back. I am going to hope it passes in the next couple of days and hope it was just something that has set me off in the air or on my clothes.

Thanks for the response I do appreciate it.


08-09-15, 20:31
Could it not be that you know itching is a symptom so you feel itchy. The mind is a powerful and balmy thing at times. The more you think you're itchy, the more you'll itch. Take the wonderful headlice for example, as soon as someone mentions them, you're head feels itchy, even though you know you haven't got headlice. That's the power of your mind. X

08-09-15, 21:26
I thought itching was a common symptom of anxiety.
I was itchy all over at first. x

09-09-15, 11:19

Traceypo in a way I think you are correct, I started to Itch a little and then I started to worry and I think that is why I am still itching. I also have been told that the itching from Lymphoma is horrible where as mine is just mild and a little irritating but it goes away and moves about so I guess it can't be something that bad.

Pepperpot I have also thought that so I think as I got anxiety about the itch it has just made it worse for me. Its still here but I can still carry on with my day and when I don't think about it, it goes away which is a good sign.
