View Full Version : New to No More Panic

08-09-15, 16:52
My name is Renee, im 35 from the States. I have been dealing with anxiety for 12 yrs now. It seems as I get old my symptoms are changing and becoming more intense. I have been diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder. I take medication that does not seem to work. Ive seen a therapist to try and help with coping skills but it just seems like we went over the same items with every meeting. I didnt feel like it was helping so I stopped. Recently my life has become more stressful and the panic attacks are getting more frequent and stronger. I ended up in the er thinking I was having a heart attack come to find out it was just a panic attack. There are days I CAN NOT leave my house because I am in so much fear. I have a constant fear that im going to have a heart attack and die. Ive had multiple ekg's and test and everything has come back normal. But why cant I get it thru my own mind? The reason I decided to join today was I got to work first thing and have a MASSIVE attack to the point I could not breathe. I was freaked out. That was many hours ago and I still kinda feel strange. I should be working but I can not focus enough to be productive because my mind is set on worry right now. Im not sure about anyone else but the thing that seems to calm me down the most is talking about it. ive started journaling on my phone and in a notebook. Im hoping that will help. In the meantime anyone have any ideas on coping skills id be more than happy to try them. At this point I dont know if it could get any worse.

08-09-15, 16:58
Hiya ReneeMD80 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

08-09-15, 22:02
Hi Renee
I will suggest a number of things that have helped me, if you have not tried them they could maybe be of some help to you:
Claire Weekes books
Exercise (in my case swimming)
Magnesium supplements
Mindfulness (mandala painting) and eft...xxx

09-09-15, 10:26
Welcome, Renee! Sounds like you are right where you need to be! Panic attacks are probably the scariest thing I've ever lived through, and it is hard to function when fear plays such a role in my life. One thing I try to do is to be easy on myself -- I let the panic hit without white-knuckling-type fighting it. I let my body act how my body acts without making myself feeling bad about it. If I need to panic, I do it, and many times I do it with no absolutely no grace at all. The good thing about panic is that is does pass. By allowing myself to feel the panic, I've actually been able to reduce the number of attacks -- no idea how this works, but it has worked for me.
When I am panicked, especially at the stage where it is building up, I get my mind moving. Sometimes I post encouraging words to others on here, sometimes I watch a funny video or read a light-hearted article, and I write down my feelings, too.
I hope you can find some hope on here that it will get better, and panic isn't the life you were meant to live! I'm glad you're here, and I am sending you lots of good thoughts!

09-09-15, 12:35
Catsandnaps, your advice is the same as Claire Weekes explains in her books, very helpful indeed. It is difficult to do but when you manage it you are on the way to recovery x

10-09-15, 23:51
Catsandnaps, your advice is the same as Claire Weekes explains in her books, very helpful indeed. It is difficult to do but when you manage it you are on the way to recovery x

I have never even read her books, but I have read lots of posts from her followers on here -- probably even a few tips I've learned from you, too! I'm putting her books on my to-read list now! :D

11-09-15, 19:12
Hello and welcome x

11-09-15, 19:37
Hello Renee.

Good advise from both sial and catsandnaps. Self help for your nerves is I believe Claire Weekes first book and although some say it is dated (about 60 years old) it has been a bible to many of us.

I am by no means cured but the best therapy if possible is to be able to talk to a fellow sufferer regularly. IMO better than any doctor or psychiatrist who will nearly always never understand or understand fully your anxiety and offer medication as a solution. It works for some but not others.

You will find plenty of people on here who have the same symptoms as you. Good luck.