View Full Version : IBS.

08-09-15, 18:03
Does this sound like it's ibs again. Feeling full/bloated, nausea, mild stomach pains and noises, diarrhea and i also feel like my body is sweating alot.

08-09-15, 18:52
That's how I'd describe one of my IBS episodes. I also get the same symptoms with acid reflux.

08-09-15, 19:13
I know people say that their IBS can give them uncomfortable cramps, more severe than mild. They sound like anxiety symptoms to me, but I'm no expert on IBS.

08-09-15, 19:22
Yeah all IBS related

08-09-15, 19:30
It's a bit of a vicious circle as anxiety inflames IBS and an IBS attack causes anxiety. Just remember it will pass

08-09-15, 19:33
Anxiety causes so many annoying bowel symptoms.. Pretty much anything you can think of, anxiety is a possible cause.

08-09-15, 19:34
IBS can cause bad breath aswell

08-09-15, 20:55
Yes, IBS.
My doc said
ANY symptom from your mouth to your anus can b affected :blush:

08-09-15, 20:57

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

16-09-15, 13:36
It does sound like IBS. I myself have had a cramping sore stomach and back pain. I am hoping it is just a different kind of episode of IBS but still worries me a bit. Are you feeling sickly too?