View Full Version : fedup

09-09-15, 05:06
Well have been to therapy , tried medication but still suffer from panic attacks.

Every time I get one my first thoughts are of a heart attack, and sometime when I get unusual body movements (muscle spasms, pains) especially in the chest area it brings on a panic attack.

The other day I was playing a badminton match for the first time for 2 yrs and I was very nervous before hand and during the first game. I eventual won 2-1 but ended up so knackered from all the running about that I ended up having a panic attack, feeling sick and have to go to the toilet a few times too. This feeling did not go away when I was at home later that evening, until I took a mild dose of dizapan.

Following day I was fine, feeling gd until later on in the day I got wound up about an issue. The anger manifested into another panic attack, which I needed to take more dizapan before I went to sleep. Woke up again at 3am with panic attack symptoms and try reading the forums to take my mind of it and to help reassure me.

At present the whole think is getting me down, I have tried doing more exercise, playing badminton, the gym going out meeting people, but I still suffer from panic attacks.

When they first started I was getting them once a year, now it can be a few in 1 week.

I only take dizapan as requred and this is the first time I have taken sone for about 6 months. I even panic about sleeping at night and that I will wake up with a painc attack

Any suggestions would be most welcome

09-09-15, 15:19
Same here feels like you're running out of options doesn't it.? I think maybe the badminton may be not the best thing as it gets your adrenaline going which is what we don't need more of. I find if I use my exercise bike it makes my panic symptoms worse so am sticking with yoga and pilates. I find the diazepam helps to keep things tolerable, well some days anyway. As my gp says " it feels like you're walking through treacle" at the moment but eventually you will get to the other side!!!!!!!