View Full Version : Would a ct scan pick up a brain tumour

09-09-15, 05:56
So I still have my headache ongoing for two months, I had a ct scan which came back clear, my question is would a ct scan pick up a brain tumour.

09-09-15, 06:28
Hi I'm not a doctor but I think it would pick up any abnormalities in the brain and skull

09-09-15, 10:52
Yes it would pick up an abnormality although further testing would be needed to find out exactly what it was.
My neighbour very recently had what they thought was a mini stroke so she was sent for Ct which showed something in her brain. Further testing via mri and then biopsy told what it really was , inoperable cancerous brain tumour:weep:.
So CT would definitely have shown up an abnormality if you had a brain tumour.

09-09-15, 14:49
hi matty-
can you describe your headache?

09-09-15, 17:05
It hurts behind my eyes and all over my head, hurts more when I bend down ect. It feels like pressure in my head and it's constant. I've had a ct scan, blood test chest x ray and all ok. The dr said it's tension headache which can last month's, I have a eye test this Saturday.

09-09-15, 17:48
well heres something you can try..hopefully it helps a little..

ive noticed that if i apply pressure to the muscles over my ears (temporal muscles i think they are called) for about 20-30 seconds that gives me some relief..you have to hold it where you feel theres a trigger point and hold it long enough for the "trigger point feeling" to stop

hopefully that helps a little

09-09-15, 18:05
Thank you

09-09-15, 18:13
no problem..i know it is hard to believe your doctor that tension is causing this..your headache sounds very very similar to mine and i am convinced it is indeed tension combined with mild sinusitis (which did show up on my ct scan)..

the muscles in your head and neck are some of the most powerful muscles in the body..couple that with the fact that your face has more nerves in it than almost anywhere else in the body, this means that head and neck muscles that dont untense can cause ALOT of pain for a long time...

my strategy would be to go back to your doctor and just be frank and ask what treatments there are for chronic tension headache if that is what they are diagnosing you with..it is not good enough to ask you to live in pain and misery for an indeterminate amount of time..there are treatments and if they cant treat you they need to refer you to a someone who can (neurologist would be my thought)