View Full Version : Kidneys?

09-09-15, 07:46
I've posted on here recently about my latest health worries. I had a UTI which took a month and 3 lots of antibiotics to clear. Symptoms mainly gone now but I have noticed that sometimes when I go to the loo, there are small bubbles on the surface. My urine is clear so I don't thi k I'm dehydrated.

I am terrified I have something wrong with my kidneys and can't think straight. Can't go to docs as on hols at moment. I did ring for results of recent urine tests and was told this was satisfactory, but this was to test for bacteria so perhaps kidney probs wouldn't show? Dipstick test at last doctor's appointment said no trace of protein. If I had kidney problems would protein be be intermittent?

I'm really, really scared now.

09-09-15, 11:04
I am no where near an expert on this, but I don't think occasional bubbles are enough to worry about. I was talking to my bodybuilder friend about this, because he consumes an inordinate amount of protein, and he said it's not always indicative of high protein -- (not to be crass here, but forgive me for not knowing how else to explain it) but sometimes when you "go," a lot of urine comes out really fast and that creates bubbles.
This probably isn't much help for kidney worries, but just letting you know there's some benign causes for what you're experiencing.
This isn't much, maybe someone else can add more. I'm sending good thoughts your way!

09-09-15, 16:48
Thanks catsandnaps, especially for your good thoughts. I do know there can be other causes but I don't think theyre likely. It's been happening for the last few days.

To be honest, I still have some very mild symptoms of Uti, perhaps it's not quite gone away and this is the reason. Still very worried but thanks for trying to reassure me.

09-09-15, 19:09
Hi Pigeon

I have similar concerns to you at the moment, I'm worrying about my kidneys bladder and had a dipstick test last week which was clear of everything.

Before I had the dipstick I said to my GP on the phone I had a real fear of Kidney cancer and she said to me if you had that you would have all sorts of things going on in your urine that would be picked up.

So I would think that if you had any problem with your kidneys it would certainly show up in the urinalysis. They don't just look for bacteria, they look for all types of cells, they also look for the size and shape of them as it can give indications of problems with the bladder and kidneys.

When I went to the GP last year about urinary symptoms she said that she thought it was stress causing it and she was reassured because my urinalysis's I'd had in the past had been normal.

So I honestly think if you had problems with your kidneys something with have been amiss with your test it woudn't have been clear.

09-09-15, 20:16
Thanks munchlet, that's very reassuring. I think if it had only happened a couple of times I wouldn't have worried but it seems to be every time I go for the last few days. According to Dr Google it could be kidney problems, diabetes high blood pressure amongst other things. I know,I shouldn't Google but it's hard not to when you're worried.

I am trying to take comfort from thought that all these things, though not very nice, can be brought under coNtrol.

I hate bei.g like this

09-09-15, 20:28
But protein would show in the urine test it's one of the first things to show in a dipstick test and it certainly would show in a urinalysis.

Think about it what are the chances of it being anything seeing as your recent urine test are ok?

Could it be reacting with something in the toilet or is it just the speed or the flow? If you go really quickly then it will force air in and cause bubbles.

I know it sounds silly but last week I was looking for bubbles as well and I noticed them on occasion but they disappeared really quickly, besides my understanding is the protein that causes bubbles in urine is more like a foam that looks like someone has poured washing up liquid in the water, its not just a few bubbles.

I also noticed that I had loads of bubbles the other day after using thrush cream, as soon as I stopped using it they disappeared so it was obviously the cream reacting with the urine and causing them.

Just trying to point out there are lots of reasons for it happen and with your recent clear tests I think it's highly unlikely to be anything to worry about.

10-09-15, 06:36
Thanks again Munchlet. It's not frothy like you describe but there are quite a few tiny bubbles clustered together that don't disappear. I read this us a sign of protein. Wish I had never googled. When will I ever learn? :blush:

10-09-15, 07:00
I know I'm exactly the same.

I've been worrying for weeks about my urine and thought it might have had blood in it, even though I've had my mum and husband check (gross I know) and both said it was perfectly normal.

Eventually last week I plucked up the courage to get the dipstick test done which was normal, and then I start worrying maybe it didn't pick anything up because I had it done later in the day and was quite hydrated. Even though the nurse said the tests are so sensitive they pick up even trace amounts I still came home and started worrying.

I think sometimes we just struggle to accept that we are ok because we are so worried there is something wrong.

I know it's really hard but try to put it out of your mind. If it does keep happening just get a dipstick done but I think you will find it's fine.

10-09-15, 07:17
Thanks Munchlet. Im sorry you've been going through this too. Why do we do it to ourselves? It's like a form of OCD I think. Ive tried CBT, counselling, anti-depressesants an just giving myself a good talking to, but nothing works. Have you tried anything yet?

You'd think at my age, (late 50s) that I would know better but somehow I get worse as I get older - probably as I think it's more likely I will get ill.

10-09-15, 07:33
Yes I take meds, I've tried CBT although the counsellor wasn't very good so waiting for a new course of that but I do find that I stress more, I'm in my 40's and as you say I do think age is a part of it because you start thinking these things are more likely.

I don't know the answer but just wanted to try and give you some reassurance as it's horrible. I've stopped looking at my urine now as I'm fed up with analysing it!

Still having UTI symptoms but they think they are stress related and since I've got older I seem to find I get them around the time of my period so think it might be hormone related too.

It's no fun, wish I could just be normal and not worry constantly about everything!

Take care

10-09-15, 09:27
Oh I googled this last week too. My understanding was it was a frothy type of foam, not a few bubbles - that could be caused by the force of your wee. I have loads of problems with this area - I had myself convinced the worst last week as I had blood in my wee, the week before I had protein in - it never ends. I had blood tests done and kidney and liver function were two of the tests - came back fine but hasn't stopped me fearing the worst. At one point, I was even measuring how much I wee'd cos I thought it wasn't enough. I am past this stage now, but unfortunately I have moved onto another health worry....

10-09-15, 12:21
Hello pepper pot, thanks for replying.:)
Glad you've stopped your wee-worries but I know that feeling where one thing passes and it's straight on to something else. It's like torture.
Keep your chin up ! :D:D