View Full Version : Reclaiming your life and identity

09-09-15, 09:47
To all the dp/dr suffers on here thought i'd start a post on how we can reclaim our identity and life back or what helps connect with our old self.

As I gradually get better I still have existential thoughts and panics, a sense of unfamiliarity with myself and other irrational thoughts that panic me and stop me living a fulfilling life.

But my connections with friends family and my partner are really improving. My connection to myself is taking a lot of work, but I'm a lot less freaked out by my own existence than I once was.

Things that are helping:

Socialise, socialise, socialise
Connecting via text, watsapp
Playing online games with other people
Go out by yourself- even if it's freaky just go
Remaining neutral about thoughts
Trying new things
Taking an interest in my appearance and health
Driving around

Anyone got any more??

11-09-15, 10:56
Great list bekw89. The only thing I would add is complete and utter acceptance of it. I found this extremely difficult for a very long time but once I accepted the weird feelings and thoughts they started to ease off.

12-09-15, 21:39
Hey, After I won battle against DPDR, I too remeber having that weird feeling of disconnection from myself.
What helped me was really living in countryside away from all that noisy city life.