View Full Version : burning in throat

09-09-15, 11:10
I was wondering if any of you had experience of this and if there is any I can take to help.
I get terrible burning in my throat, think it may be acid but it is worse when bending down and can feel it actually rising up into my throat sometimes it makes me feel nauseas.

Of course I am starting to worry about the cause, but was hoping maybe there was something I could take to help.

09-09-15, 13:16
Definitely sounds like acid to me. When you bend over your pushing it up your oesophagus so that's why you can feel it.

I'd try gaviscon advance first and see if that helps. If not you can get over the counter meds such as Zantac & omeprazole & the same meds are available on prescription but in higher doses.

Before taking meds though I try and find out the cause. Most acid reflux is caused by diet. Foods that can cause acid are tomatoes, chocolate, fried & spicy foods, coffee, citrus fruits & juices.

09-09-15, 14:33
Thank you.

Thought it might be acid but bit concerned about cause.
I don't eat much in the way of spicy food or drink coffee.
I do like chocolate though although don't eat loads so not sure there is much I can cut out food wise that will help.
Its only really started in the last couple of weeks and apart from my anxiety being bad due to starting a new job I cannot think what is causing it.