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09-09-15, 11:40
Hi all, been having lightheadedness for about one week plus. Started when I was triggered by something and felt anxious. However, it's been quite constant now and only got better for few hours on off at random times. I feel mostly lightheaded when I am walking. I feel pressure in my ears and pain under my eyes. My neck is also very tense. Could all these be causing it? Am freaking out that it's something serious like tumour. I went to the gp on Monday and she prescribe me nasal spray. Just started using but doesn't seem to help. Sometimes I hear crackling in my ear too. I did an MRI of my head but that was 3 yrs ago so don't think its valid? But it was normal. I did have this lightheaded feeling in the past but I don't remember it lasting for more than a week.... feeling scared and stressed.

09-09-15, 20:36
Hi there,

The pressure in your ears could be what is causing the lightheadedness, because, as you may know, the inner ear is responsible for our steadiness. Maybe an ear/sinus infection (if under your eyes hurt) which is very easily treatable with antibiotics? Could be worth a Drs appointment so they can take a look.

The pain in your neck could be a tension headache, which is what my GP told me when I was complaining of a tense, achey neck.

Try not to believe the worse-case scenario :)

10-09-15, 05:07
First off, lightheadedness is basically never due to a tumor. Second, there are blood vessels that go through your neck to your head, which can be pinched by tight muscles. This can give rise to lightheadedness and dizziness. Tight neck muscles also cause eye pain. google "referred pain and neck" and look at images. Classic anxiety symptoms. crackling in your ear is normal, too. Mostly due to stuffy nose, which causes eustachean tube disorder. Totally harmless. So, worry because you are predisposed to worry, but don't worry over these things , they are nothing.

10-09-15, 09:11
Hi, thanks for the reply. Been having pins and needles down my right thigh and foot when sitting and sometimes walking and also my right arm beens feeling achy/numb/weak when I use the mouse... thus freaking out that it could be stroke. But I actually do have slipped disc on my neck and back after doing MRI so I guess it's most probably due to that but it's just that all the symptoms together with this lightheaded feeling is setting my anxiety to great levels.... sigh... hate this

10-09-15, 11:13
I have a prolapsed neck disc and bad arthritis and I could fill an A4 sheet of paper with symptoms from my neck!! Including every single one you have listed. I get alot of pain around my eye on left side ( problem in neck is left sided) and left arm pain down to hand. I get proper vertigo too if I move my neck wrong and often feel very lightheaded and unsteady with it.

I find that if i have alot of pain with my neck etc then the other symptoms are not as bad but sometimes I just get the other symptoms which of course even now 20 years later still can freak me out!

I spent many years convinced I had a brain tumour or neuro disease until mri scans ruled them out and confirmed what was wrong with my spine.