View Full Version : sudden symptoms - ear and head

Polar Bear
09-09-15, 18:11
This has only lasted a few days so far but already worried .

I have been getting a lot of tinnitus over about 5 days or so having got new (and first) hearing aids. When to my GP who asked about headaches, feeling dizzy, feeling sick, fever / high temperature none of which I was getting.

Last couple of days I have started getting headaches, feeling dizzy, having some brief spells of feeling hot and feeling sick (although haven't been sick). Also feeling quite tired and today have suddenly got pins and needles in my right hand and forearm.

Although none of those things are extreme I'm feeling quite rough and of course starting to really worry. My doctor said come back if I get any of these symptoms and I'm going to try to get an appointment tomorrow to see what they say.

Meanwhile I suppose this could well all be linked to my continued anxiety.

Have been wearing the new hearing aids a lot less over the last day or so. Shame really. I have had them just under 2 weeks and for the first week everything was going well and they are very effective. Scared now though that they are causing a problem. Going back on Friday to review how I'm getting on with them so that will be useful.

Anyone had anything like this please? Any thoughts on whether all of this could suddenly come on through anxiety? Suffered from anxiety for decades and had some depression too. Stressed out lately as well. Maybe this is tipping back over the edge. Worried!!!

Thanks in advance for your thoughts


09-09-15, 19:19
Its more than possible that the Dr asking you about the other symptoms which you would have realised means something more serious has caused these very symptoms, the mind is all powerful!

The tinnitus could all be to do with your new hearing aids, can you go back to the hearing clinic you got them from for a check up??

Polar Bear
10-09-15, 13:47
Thanks Countrygirl.

I think you could well be right about the doctor putting worries in my head. Still have some of these symptoms but definitely feeling a bit better today. Shoulders and neck feel tense which certainly can't be helping so maybe all my tensions aren't good.

Going back to the hearing clinic tomorrow so it will be interesting to hear what they think.