View Full Version : Concussion ??

09-09-15, 19:10
A bus hit the top of my head with its wing mirror earlier and now I'm really worried I've got some sort of brain damage... It was nearly 12 hours ago and haven't felt myself all day. However, I never know if this is the concussion or my anxiety..... I panicked myself about it a couple of time today and now I'm really panicking.. What to do....

09-09-15, 19:41
How are doing? Have you been to get yourself checked? Xx

09-09-15, 19:58
I worry about a concussion every time I hurt my head, which happens to me a lot. I always seem to bump into some door or whack my head off the wall when I sleep. Even if the bump was light, I still get myself worked up over believing I have a concussion. I never feel right the day I hit my head which I am assuming is because of the worry. I feel the same when I work myself up thinking I have appendicitis or some other major health complaint. After having seen my papa fall and hit his head and develop a concussion, I worry about it less now I have seen it first hand. He blacked out for a minute after the hit, felt fine for about an hour after it and then started puking and blacking out again. He had a scan done and it was confirmed he had a concussion and he was ok after a few days.

Seeing a concussion first hand made me realise that I have never had those symptoms after hitting my head and when he had a concussion, it was a really powerful hit to the head as he fell onto concrete.

10-09-15, 12:07
This is what really frustrates me about anxiety - It's such a mind game that I never know whether to take something as nothing or seriously. Health wise or not. I was thinking about it and stressing about it so much on my way home from work that I had a semi- panic attack as I thought I was literally dying. Today I feel a bit dizzy etc but again, I think its because I'm still thinking about it!!!

I never know!!!!

So exhausting anxiety is!

