View Full Version : Feeling very fed up and can't help but feel anxious about stomach problems...

09-09-15, 21:19
I know I've made a couple of threads about this over the last few weeks, and I know this should probably be in the IBS section but I'll be honest and say the reason I didn't post there is I worry not many people check that section and my post may not be seen.

I've been experiencing stomach problems for just over 4 weeks now. I've never officially been diagnosed with IBS but I feel like that's what I have as I've had other 'flareups' over the years that all subside when I eat cleanly, but this one has lasted the longest with the most varied symptoms.

My symptoms range from twinges in the stomach area (literally the stomach, as opposed to the bowels) when I eat sometimes, which feel more like sharper pains, and then I also get a general sore feeling in my up bowels, pain under my left rib, and sometimes under my left rib on the side of my body. Also a general bloated and heavy feeling... Bowel pain ranges from left side, to upper, to middle around the belly button. My bowel MOVEMENTS are actually relatively normal. No diarrhoea or constipation, but my abdomen just feels generally sore.

I have days when sometimes I'll have more wind than normal, but actually it's mainly pretty average.

To anyone that suffers, does this sound like IBS? I've been drinking loads of peppermint tea, and chamomile tea, and ginger tea.... I've tried it all. I eat mainly gluten and dairy free as it is (in fact when I tend to binge on those things is when I tend to trigger an IBS flareup), so I don't know what else it could be and why it isn't improving. I just feel miserable.

09-09-15, 21:55

Everyones IBS is different , you eventually know whats normal for you .

Yes ....had all you state but mine is usually the "runs" as they say , if i,m not near a bog its dodgy :blush:

Theres a section on here all about IBS symptoms its surprising how many there are , your bowel movements are normal ...thats good .

4 weeks is nothing imvho i,ve had it much longer than that and very servere but it can go for years sometimes for me but when i get an attack i can get niggles and pains for months .

09-09-15, 21:57

Everyones IBS is different , you eventually know whats normal for you .

Yes ....had all you state but mine is usually the "runs" as they say , if i,m not near a bog its dodgy :blush:

Theres a section on here all about IBS symptoms its surprising how many there are , your bowel movements are normal ...thats good .

4 weeks is nothing imvho i,ve had it much longer than that and very servere but it can go for years sometimes for me but when i get an attack i can get niggles and pains for months .

The main reason it's worrying me is because of how long it's lasted this time... I actually feel fine when I wake up in the morning, but as soon as I have a cup of tea, or something to eat, bam, it all starts again. :/

09-09-15, 22:12
I been a IBS sufferer since 17 and I am 27 now what you have stated is classic IBS symptoms

09-09-15, 22:14
Same here mate when i first had it .

I think for me i was waiting for it to happened and the anxiety kicked it off .

I,ve been bad for 6 weeks this time but my anxiety has been through the roof and that really kicks if off :mad:

09-09-15, 22:20
Same here mate when i first had it .

I think for me i was waiting for it to happened and the anxiety kicked it off .

I,ve been bad for 6 weeks this time but my anxiety has been through the roof and that really kicks if off :mad:

I been a IBS sufferer since 17 and I am 27 now what you have stated is classic IBS symptoms

I feel somewhat reassured to know that others have had it last this long... (although I'm sorry that's the case :( )

Can I ask, do you experience the symptoms every single day?

09-09-15, 22:21
With me its all on my right side and sometimes left always bloated and my back is killing me all IBS and I get symptoms everyday and when it calms I get a twinge and it starts again and think its my appendix and I get spasms under my left rib cage

09-09-15, 22:53
With me its all on my right side and sometimes left always bloated and my back is killing me all IBS and I get symptoms everyday and when it calms I get a twinge and it starts again and think its my appendix and I get spasms under my left rib cage

Ah I'm sorry to hear that dude but I can definitely sympathise... Mine is pretty much like that right now. I must say none of the pain is extreme for me, on a scale of 1-5 it's about a 5... but it's definitely pain. Enough to make me feel like crap. Do you find that anything eases the symptoms? I don't know what to try now...

09-09-15, 23:11
ERM for stomach try hot water bottle buscopan does wonders lots of water aswell also there's a list of trigger foods what trigger IBS as well but forgot where it was onions garlic mushrooms processed foods trigger it

10-09-15, 07:22
KayeS, just wanted to say I have had identical problems to you in the past. My GP called it pain-predominant IBS. I once had symptoms nearly every day for around a year.
The thing was, the symptoms weren't unbearable, just worrying. As soon as I stopped, it all went away.

Now, if that's not proof for you, nothing is :yesyes: x try not to worry and I'm sure all will be well

10-09-15, 09:53
KayeS, just wanted to say I have had identical problems to you in the past. My GP called it pain-predominant IBS. I once had symptoms nearly every day for around a year.
The thing was, the symptoms weren't unbearable, just worrying. As soon as I stopped, it all went away.

Now, if that's not proof for you, nothing is :yesyes: x try not to worry and I'm sure all will be well

Haha thanks, I appreciate that, and I do feel more reassured... gonna just try and ignore it all and hopefully it will just go away eventually :)

12-09-15, 23:14
Hey guys, for the past 24 hours, I've had a stitch like pain under my left ribcage. It's been higher up than my stomach, just under the nipple, and it's sometimes in my side, some times more near the front side. Breathing/moving doesn't affect it, it just comes when it pleased it seems. It feels almost like a stitch. Again, not EXTREME pain but it's pain none the less. Have you experienced this kind of thing with your IBS??

12-09-15, 23:37

Every single day when it kicks off has lasted for months at time .

I,m used to now ( 20 odd years ) but it does get better and can go for years only to return :mad:

12-09-15, 23:43

Every single day when it kicks off has lasted for months at time .

I,m used to now ( 20 odd years ) but it does get better and can go for years only to return :mad:

It's a very unsettling pain... it makes me feel like I wanna keep taking deep breaths all the time. Is it trapped wind? It feels kind of high up to be that but to be honest right now I'm starting to feel like IBS can cause anything lol.

12-09-15, 23:58
My first symtoms were weeing all the time ( go figure ! ) .

Every 30 minutes !

It was cramps pressing on my bladder making me think i needed to go .

You can get the pain in your thighs up to your nipples ( sorry if its TMI )

Obviously if you are concerned in a few more weeks go get checked out but IBS is very very common !

13-09-15, 00:05
My first symtoms were weeing all the time ( go figure ! ) .

Every 30 minutes !

It was cramps pressing on my bladder making me think i needed to go .

You can get the pain in your thighs up to your nipples ( sorry if its TMI )

Obviously if you are concerned in a few more weeks go get checked out but IBS is very very common !

I've been having the excessive weeing for sure! It's been driving me mad. To be honest all my symptoms seem to be matching up to yours and others with IBS.... If the pain persists I'll go to the doctor... at the moment I'm just hoping it will pass soon :/

14-09-15, 23:47

Trying REALLY hard here to not get anxious but today my stomach has been hurting ALL DAY.... It's like I've had a stomach (or bowel) ache for 4 weeks... I'm going to the doctor tomorrow because I just feel crappy all the time.

I've read that apparently taking PPIs like Lanzoprazole (which I do) can actually make IBS worse? I'm thinking of stopping them but then I worry about my acid coming back :/