View Full Version : I have tooth ache, but am not registered with a dentist. what should i do?

09-09-15, 22:34
i have had a mild toothache for a since yesterday and think i might need to visit a dentist. how much do dentists charge and would i be able to register to one easy enough?

09-09-15, 22:37
Take pain killers and use a warm pillow if that fails there should be an emergency dentist in your area

09-09-15, 23:15
Take pain killers and use a warm pillow if that fails there should be an emergency dentist in your area

Thanks for the advice pal. I was wondering, is it possible for toothache when stressed and anxious? I don't think it's soley from stress/anxiety, but i have been overly anxious lately.

I haven't been to a dentist since i was a teen and i'm now well into my 20's, so it's been a long while :ohmy: i have kind of fell out of touch with how it works. I have been looking around online for dentists, but do you have any idea how much they charge for a general appointment?

09-09-15, 23:27
Around £20 I think not sure I don't have a dentist either I am in same boat as you

10-09-15, 01:16
You need to be looking for an NHS dentist that does emergency work. Private ones are very expensive. The link below shows NHS charges. I don't think toothache can be attributed to anxiety.


10-09-15, 04:49
There will be a local number you call where they tell you the NHS dentist practices currently taking patients. It will be listed on your local NHS Trust website or local council website. I think I got mine out of the phone book when this happened to me.

They got me in quickly and they were excellent. Better than my previous one who dropped all his patients because left the area and I never looked for a new one until one of my wisdom teeth crumbled about 15 years later! My new one is well priced to. £37.50 and the second appointment, if it is needed, is counted in the cost of the first. 3rd appointments cost a lot more but I needed 3 and they just charged me the 1st appointment fee again which I think was because they could have done it in 2 but decided not to.

That's in the Midlands.

10-09-15, 06:56
The out of hours doctors service on the NHS also offers emergency dental treatment,by dialing 111.

Most dentists will see you at a fixed NHS charge which has different bands but if it is an emergency appointment they may charge extra during working hours.

Just Google NHS or Private dentists in your postcode.

31-05-16, 05:01
Hey. It is always better to consult a dentist when you have a toothache. Last year, I was on my vacation to Toronto with my family and I had a slight toothache. Since I didn’t want to spoil the journey, I just took some painkillers. You know what, the pain became unbearable and I had to visit Emergency dental 365, an emergency dental care in Toronto. It is always better to seek experts advice rather than self-medication.