View Full Version : missed inital JSA sign on panicking what will happen

09-09-15, 22:43
I was sure that my initial sign on was 15th sept but now looking at my paperwork it was the 1st I think. I never went but there was no letter sent to me about failed to sign on..

The lady at the setup interview said see u on the 15th so I had 15th in my mind but now looking at small appt card it says 1st sept and a letter I next to it. Underneath says 15th sept with letter S .I had no letter with clear instructions like your first sign on is 1st sept then every 2 weeks.

Panicking so bad now. Living with partner and 4 month old baby will their money be affected and will the housing be suspended? Going in to their office 2moro but I know I won't sleep tonight with the worry. It's the last thing on earth I wanted to happen.

10-09-15, 09:49
You use the word Nazis to freely for my liking, and also you need to learn how to address people properly on the other thread you started. You totally avoided what I said so I will repeat it.This is a forum for anxiety sufferers Dave and many are having their anxiety raised by your political propaganda.

10-09-15, 11:40
You use the word Nazis to freely for my liking, and also you need to learn how to address people properly on the other thread you started. You totally avoided what I said so I will repeat it.This is a forum for anxiety sufferers Dave and many are having their anxiety raised by your political propaganda.


The only people who use such terms so lightly are those with no understanding of the real world we live in, it's harshness and it's history. They use terms freely out of ignorance.

10-09-15, 14:36
I think he is just pointing our rather fairly how POLITICS DOESN'T BELONG HERE.
Rather than whine at PC why not get off of your arse and do something if you care that damn much? Sitting at your PC being a keyboard warrior doesn't solve anything

Who says I'm not involved in making the world a better place to live? Politics affects EVERYONE here, unless that major fact has escaped you. You are a rude vile person.

10-09-15, 15:09
Then take it off an anxiety forum. It's an anxiety forum, not for any kind of political forum. Take your rants somewhere else

Seconded. Go away. Surfingwaves wanted help and you've highjacked the thread.

10-09-15, 15:30
Can we keep ontopic please. There is already a thread discussing this issue.

10-09-15, 19:44
Dave - please calm down and refrain from using the word Nazi.

If you continue the thread will be removed.

10-09-15, 20:10
I went today to find out and they told me that I haven't missed an appointment so they must have made a mistake in writing 1st September on my appt card. Still very confusing but looks like I am in the clear.


10-09-15, 20:57
Good luck when you finally go! :)