View Full Version : OUR OWN "PANIC PATTERN"......STUDY

09-02-07, 18:41
Hi everyone,

I dont know if its my imagination but when ever Ive read about peoples panic attacks........ Ive notised something !

Alot of people say that they have them really bad then they get better after 5 years of having them (im not saying they go ,but just get better).

My Panics went like this;

year 1 - 2 , absolute nightmare, couldnt leave the house would panic anywhere and everywhere, even on the phone and watching telly.

year 3-4 , would go out with my husband only and found it difficult outside the house yet felt fine in my own home and on the phone.

year 4 - 6 , this is NOW :D.....I am fine in my home and can do anything at home, I am fine at my local shops yet can still have the odd panic if its busy, I am going to a local part time job 3 days a week,I am managing the school run in the mornings and 3 afternoons a week.
I can now take a taxi far away to my dentist on my own and into town on my own but can get jittery if its busy, also I now go down the pub and meet my friends[}:)].

looking back at my journey, It makes me realise that "Hey" I am getting better :D:D:D and although I get blips now and then, I can see from the EVIDENCE "above" that I am doing really well.

So I am thinking, would'nt it be nice for us to list the EVIDENCE here, that we "can" and "do" get better. Also to see if there is a pattern.


09-02-07, 19:01
A rough outline of my history:-

Years 1-4 (approx) Had panic attacks which gradually grew in degree. At first one day off work, but then two or three days. No effective remedy from doctors. Always had them in winter.

Years 5-6 (approx) Began to take Seroxat which worked even though attacks worsened. Also had attacks in summer. Mum seriously ill soon followed by Twin Towers gave me prolonged period of panic with many days of work onn and off.

Year 7 - Got General Anxiety and signed off work 9 months. Felt very distressed with no known help about. Return to work failed and redundancy/early retirement offered. Able to go out and about 2 weeks on/2 weeks off, but couldn't face housework/gardening.

Year 8 - Begin psychotherapy as a long term measure - also get NHS occupational therapist after 9 month wait. Also learn of NMP and other charities. Greater understanding of anxiety which helps. Still able to go out on day trips - also breaks abroad but these weren't trouble free.

Year 9 - Despite greater understanding and acceptance, my fears become more apparent as part of overall healing process. Not able to get out so much. My habit of running to GP reduces as I tough it out knowing its anxiety.



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

09-02-07, 19:45
Year 1 - Total nightmare
Year 2 - Controlled, not so frequent
Year 3 - Highly controlled, a panic attack was rare
Year 4 - Total nightmare

That's my experience in brief, lol.

"My teddy last night was a paper bag, to keep my safe."