View Full Version : exploding head syndrome

10-09-15, 07:28
So last night I foolishly decided to watch Babadook (horror film, don't watch if you haven't already). My mind was racing and I went to bed. Now i've had these 'explodi exploding head syndrome moments before- basically just as you drop off to sleep you hear bangs or a voice shout etc. Well last night I jolted awake from a voice... just typical. I tried to be rational with myself and say I knew what it was but now obviously I'm beginning to convince myself it's something else.

Ha anyone else experience these ?

10-09-15, 08:52
Iv had this. Was a long time ago. I was dropping off to sleep then I heard in my head someone shout SAMMIE really loud. It wasn't very pleasant xx

10-09-15, 10:21
Oh God yes it's horrible. Had to be when I'd just been watching a horror film. Iv had ther calling my name one as well, it would be all different people's voices that I knew. And iv had the explosion sound. Fun! How's ur brain chatter doing?

10-09-15, 11:18
I have actually woke up during the night shouting "I am the devil" after watching a horror film! They are best avoided if suffering from anxiety but we still can't help ourselves now & again :scared15:

10-09-15, 14:04
It's getting better.. Still not 100% there but an improvement since taking sertraline xx

11-09-15, 04:25
The normal states, Hypnagogia (falling asleep and within the first 2 hours of sleep) and Hypnopompia (waking), are well known to cause a load of different phenomena including the bangs and voices that are quite audible to you. These are normal states though and a lot of people can experience them. Whilst they have no connection to having an anxiety disorder, stress can increase the frequency.

It's just all the tension from the film. Perhaps give them a swerve until you feel stronger or leave some time between the film & bed so that you can relax to something else and maybe knock back some chaomile tea or something?

I know what you mean thought with the racing thoughts. I get it with the internet, arguments, etc.

Glad the Sertraline is helping you Sammie.

11-09-15, 16:28
It was bloody terrifying lol but yep thankfully hasn't happened since. I'm a wimp with horror at the best of times so God knows what I was thinking.

11-09-15, 17:05
I have had this loads, but none whilst I've been suffering with anxiety. Watch, it'll happen tonight lol. It proper freaks me out - it's usually someone shouting my name x

15-09-15, 12:16
I've seen the Babadook lol... That's the one with the single mother and her out of control son..then they read that book...scary stuff!!, so I can understand after hearing your name being called out after watching that I'd have shat myself also.... I've had exploding head syndrome to the point it's not only scared the living daylights out of me and jolted me onto the floor but also nearly gave my fiancee a heart attack it was that bad, so i understand and definitely after that movie it would have been intensified..

Relaxation music on YouTube is key for me and chamomile tea with a good spoonful of Manuka honey ��

Hope you're feeling better :-)

Take care


16-09-15, 23:16
I just have to say "Exploding head syndrome" is probably the best medical condition I've ever heard of.

I sympathize with you about the sounds and voices, all perfectly normal as your brain state changes from wake to sleep but disconcerting none the less.

17-09-15, 16:57
The normal states, Hypnagogia (falling asleep and within the first 2 hours of sleep) and Hypnopompia (waking), are well known to cause a load of different phenomena including the bangs and voices that are quite audible to you. These are normal states though and a lot of people can experience them. Whilst they have no connection to having an anxiety disorder, stress can increase the frequency.
This. I've had all sorts of stuff happen to me during hypnagogia and hypnopompia, including exploding head syndrome (that one happens when I fall asleep), olfactory and voice hallucinations, sleep paralysis, even shaking (as a result of trying to break free from SP). Stress and bad sleep stimulates stuff like this.

17-09-15, 19:08
I've also seen the film. I really enjoyed it as horrors are rarely any good but this one was smart and unusual.

I've also experienced the shouting voices, sometimes they are in strange accents like scouse. I've only had this since developing panic attacks so maybe they are related.