View Full Version : new here - stress new physical symptoms

10-09-15, 13:40
Hi everyone,

I created my account a long time ago but this, I think, is my first post. It has taken me a long time to recognise a lot of my anxiety and to realise I need to change things.

I started getting anxiety when I had my first panic attack, out of the blue, in 1998. I never saw a doctor or confided in anyone and went on to think I was going mad. Regular attacks became a permanent state of anxiety which I later discovered was called 'derealisation'. I still kept it to myself, struggled through and lost all understanding of who I was or how I felt. Amazingly, i must've been very strong as no one even noticed I had a problem! I have still never admitted this era of my life to anyone (until this post).

Years went by and a couple of self help books helped me see the cause of my feelings and I slowly began to feel normal(ish) again.

During the next few years the panic attacks faded but I was left with social anxiety, fear of driving, flying and hypochondria. All of this is self diagnosed, I have never told a doctor and, largely, I hide it. People see me as confident and strong.

Putting all of my time and thoughts into my kids helped me ignore the problems for years. I just hoped it'd continue to improve.

Since then I have suffered a bad marriage, been through a divorce, experienced verbal and emotional abuse, seen my job security disappear, had money worries, had illness in the family, stressed hugely over my own health, helped my 9 year old with her severe anxiety (including mutism), felt out of my depth socially and tried my very best to continue to act strong.

Now, after all of these years, i wonder if all the hidden anxiety has taken it's toll. I get pain in the gallbladder area but no cause has been found, I have a heavy, weak feeling in my left arm, I get upset and lose my patience easier than I should. I am afraid of things like being a passenger on a motorway, or flying. I worry about any little minor illness, I hate and avoid group social situations. I make no effort to socialise with anyone new and hate the school playground. I struggle daily and no one realises. I often have an urge to run away from everything to a place I can live a less busy, stressful life.

I have contemplated telling the doctor but all of this seems so normal to me now that I don't know what i should say. maybe I am making a fuss over nothing?

thanks for reading and I look forward to being a bit more involved here in the future.

p x

10-09-15, 13:51
Hiya polbailey and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

10-09-15, 14:16
Hi there
Not telling anybody must have made it so much harder for you, pretending to be something you are not.
I didn't use to tell lots of people, but my family, close friends and doctors have always known.
Now, I don't tell everyone but, I am more open about it and the amount of people who go through the same is shocking, and people you would never have guessed. In fact lots of people say to me...you are such a relaxed person...haha!

10-09-15, 15:24
Stress can definitely give you physical symptoms.. Maybe its your body telling you that you really need to address it? I swear its hard to find good help though... So you might need to "shop" around. Well done to you though for getting through so much! But you shouldn't have to do it alone and you shouldn't have to accept it as normal if it is causing you distress.

I wish we could change the society we lived in so it wasn't so hectic and stressful.. Hopefully one day it will change, and our happiness and humanity will be restored.