View Full Version : Im so over feeling this way!

10-09-15, 13:51
Guys I have struggled with social anxiety for just about my whole life on and off however the last year it has become so bad! After almost every single social interaction I have I feel so horrible afterwards! I have no energy to socialise, I am always scared I am making a fool of myself, I'm scared people will decide they don't like me and start talking about me behind my back. I just hate interacting with people but I wish that I didn't hate it and that I had confidence.. I worry so much after all social interactions and I just cant deal with it anymore! I have tried to seek help from psychologists but they have not helped.. I don't know what to do anymore I am so sick of feeling this way it is draining my life! I hate myself so much.

10-09-15, 14:35
Hi there
When you stop being bothered about it, it will get better. That always happens to me, when I get sooo fed up that I think FUxx-IT it gets better
You seem pretty fed up so maybe you are finally at that point.
Oh and when I meet someone who like you has social anxiety I don't think much about it, just that they are shy xxx

10-09-15, 15:31
Thank you for your response =) Yeah I try to not bother with caring about these things but it doesn't always work because I am always worried that everyone will turn on me and I wont be able to cope. I probably need to work on my self-esteem and confidence.

19-09-15, 03:57

I can totally relate to this.

However, I feel like you're already half way there. Think about it, you're clearly frustrated with the way you think about the social interactions you have, you're trying to fight it and that's great.

Please don't hate yourself. It takes all sorts to live on this planet and your worries are 100% understandable.

I think deep down, everyone shares the anxiety of people not liking them, the back talking and the over analysis of stupid things you might have said or done. So firstly, that doesn't make you weird or odd. That makes you human.

Unless anyone has said otherwise though, you've got no real proof that people are doing any of the things that you've mentioned above. You don't know that anyone has talked about you behind your back, so why should you worry about that? Unless people have straight up said to you that you're making a fool of yourself it isn't true.

Plus, if they think those things, if they decide they don't like you, that's their problem. They're the ones with the issue. You've just been yourself and that takes more confidence than anything else. You're not responsible for other people's happiness or misconceptions.

There's nothing that should indicate any of those things and I think you're great for being honest about your thoughts with yourself.

You're true to yourself and that's all that matters.

I hope I've helped in some way. The struggle is real, I know. But please, you're very cool, you're very valuable and unless anyone says otherwise, people like you.

Take it easy :)