View Full Version : Trying my best to keep calm

10-09-15, 14:15
I posted on here a few weeks ago over intrusive thoughts and how i went into quite a large panic!! I went to the doctor she reassured me, since then I have not felt right and this weekend got progressively worse. I went on holiday at the end of August, I knew i had relaxed because I was eating ok didnt feel particularly ill. I had a few intrusive thoughts but just put them to the back of my mind.
Then I came home, we had a couple of floors laid, i tried to catch up on paperwork (to no avail) and started to organise my daughters birthday. The day of my daughters birthday was fine we came home that night and ordered take away (somewhere we had not eaten before).

On sunday I felt a little off stomach wise and my bowels had been loose. to be fair they had been like that since we came home, (my husband and daughter too) We had not been eating that well really. On sunday we went out for a bike ride. I had only eaten a pack of snack a jacks and because I had a headache so took 2 nurofen just before we left. We came home and I didnt feel like anything to eat. I had prepared lamb hotpot for tea with veg etc to get back to healthier eating.

Around 5pm I went into the shed to get something out and felt a strange sensation near my ribs under my breasts. I went upstairs to the toilet, came back down and it became very intense. I struggled to move. I dialled 111 who in turn sent an ambulance. They checked my heart they said it was fine. i took more ibruprofen and paracetmol. The pain subsided and it just became an ache. I had to go to A and E. where they repeated the ECG (it was fine) and took bloods. I then had to endure the doctor from hell!! he had no beside manner, didnt explain anything and sent me into full blown panic!!!

My White blood cell count was raised, my liver function was also raised. They suspected gall stones. I was kept in over night (my worst nightmare) I dont do well in hospitals and spent all monday morning in tears!!! I went for the scan, no gall stones ?? they want me to have a camera into my stomach. I asked to come home, I have a daughter who was quite upset, and I wanted to ease her worries. I will have the camera as an outpatient

I have made an appointment to see the G.P on monday. I have no idea if all these symptoms could be anxiety or if this time something really is wrong. I went back to work yesterday for some normality but not sure what normal is?

if anyone has any friendly advice that would be lovely x