View Full Version : scared I have something sharp lodged in my throat/esophagus?

10-09-15, 14:44
I have an extreme fear of swallowing something sharp (like a fishbone, piece of glass etc) and the sharp object perforating my throat or esophagus and then an artery.

Today I was holding a pack of earrings with my mouth while I was trying to multitask (lol) and I didn't realize it had a few of those long thin sharp little plastic attachment things that shops use to fasten the tags onto things. (those things you use a tag attacher gun to add prices and security tags to items in a store)

Anyway the plastic is long and pretty sharp and kind of shaped like a fishbone and now I'm really worried I might have accidentally swallowed one of them! Because one of the little plastic tag holders was actually missing. I have no idea if it was missing before I held it with my teeth or if I accidentally swallowed it! But now I'm really freaked out and I'm scared it's lodged itself in my throat. I think I would have noticed it but you never know, my mind was somewhere else at the time. :shrug: Now I'm really scared it's going to pierce an artery and I'll bleed to death.

I know you would notice if you had something sharp in your esophagus (you would get chest pain, gagging etc) but I have acid reflux so my chest and throat is always sore anyway :doh: so I have no idea if the pain is my reflux or a sharp foreign object piercing my insides! I'm really scared now. I've even thought about going back to the shop just to count how many of those rotten little attachments there are on each pack :wacko:

My anxiety is so bad these days. I'm really stressed out.

10-09-15, 16:51
I can almost definitely guarantee you that you haven't swallowed it, and if you had, it probably wouldn't do you much harm. You would have noticed it going down your throat. It won't pierce an artery, and you'll be fine. x