View Full Version : Dreams of dying/prediction

10-09-15, 18:19
Hi, i posted up not long ago about my fears about my heart/brain tumors and sudden death taking me away from my daughter and how much this can take away from me enjoying life... well, i went to the doctor today and I am having a heart tracing as my palps have changed to check they are not dangerous etc, I fell asleep on the sofa this afternoon and I had fallen asleep thinking about how two years of my little girls life had flown by in a flash and thats how fast life is going now, I was in a half asleep state and I dreamt someone showing my future on this piece of paper, they said 'look I can even show you your own grave' and i then started to wake a little but was still dreaming (weird i know) and dreamt of my mother holding my daughter, as they both are now, looking down at my coffin as it went into the ground and my daughter crying. This has really upset me and worried me that somehow my thoughts and fears are more of a prophecy than a worry, as if i somehow know i will die young and it's not just anxiety. Does anyone else think like this sometimes. I know it sounds crazy but I am scared I am predicting the future!