View Full Version : Recurring abscess

10-09-15, 19:36
Hi all, I have a recurring abscess at bottom of spine, it's just flared up again and really gets me down. I'm now in a panic, feel flushed and scared. Don't really want anymore antibiotics as only just finished a course x

10-09-15, 19:45
Can you not have it removed?

10-09-15, 20:06
I've read about the operation and scared myself silly, it leaves an open wound that needs packing and doesn't carry a high success rate. It's in an awkward position too so it makes sitting painful x

10-09-15, 21:05
My husband had one removed years ago, he did have to sit on a rubber ring for a few days lol, but has been fine since and it had been giving him.problems for a long time xx

10-09-15, 21:08
Thanks hun, they're bloody painful, it's every time I feel like I've got a grip on stuff, something comes along to throw me x

10-09-15, 21:12
I kept getting a recurring absess in an embarrasing lady place! The antibiotics just didn't work enough to get rid of it properly and I was being threatened with an operation in a much worse place than yours!!

So I decided to treat it as they would before antibioitics. I used diluted tea tree oil alternating with salt water and used a hot flannel 3 times a day and this brought it to a head or should I say multiple heads. I then used a very old remedy called glycerine and ichthamol ointment that can only be used on unbroken skin but it brings boils to a head and also brings out foreign objects in the skin. This really brought all the bad stuff to a huge head and then the next day it burst. With very gentle pressure I made sure all the pus was out and only clear fluid was coming out and this was the end of the recurring absess.

10-09-15, 21:22
Thanks for the advice, how diluted for the tea tree, willing to try anything as I'm fed up of having antibiotics thrown at me, just had a negative reaction to flucloxcillan even though had it tons of times before. X

11-09-15, 15:20
I used a bowl of hot but not too hot water with 5-10 drops of tea tree oil in it and then next time same but with hafl teaspoon of table salt. Just make sure its not hot enough to burn you before you add the oil or salt.

I too reacted badly to the same anti biotic, its not got good name for bad side effects.

I found the glycerine and icthammol ointment was the holy grail for me as its a drawing ointment, they used to use it in casualty for foreign objects many years ago. JUst don't use it on already broken skin. I put it on once at night and the next mornng had multiple huge pus filled heads ( yuk)