View Full Version : Heart worries AGAIN - new symptoms

11-09-15, 13:57
Anyone else ever have the experience of their heart beating away normally then like 3 very fast beats in a row then back to normal? Described this to my GP this morn but he wasn't concerned. He does tend to put everything down to anxiety though when in my opinion it's a classic arrhythmia type beat and definitely not an ectopic.

in the last 2 months ive had about 20ecgs, a 24hr monitor, a cardiac event monitor, im also booked in for an echo - all due to ectopic type palpitations. Thing is these new fast beats only started 2 days ago. :/
If I asked for an ecg there and then it would have been normal as the fast beats have only happened twice in the last 3 days. I'm withdrawing from antidepressants too so thought it could be that causing them.

I don't know what to do, I might go back on Monday and ask to be referred to a cardiologist - despite all these hearts tests I've never seen one!

I'm meant to be going back on hol in a few days and my instinct is to just stay here near an emergency room in case the fast beats continue and come back worse and I die from a life threatening arrhythmia. :(

11-09-15, 15:12
My first thought is its a symptom of withdrawal from anti depressants.
Second thought is its actually perfectly common and normal but non anxious people don't feel it. Usually sinus tachycardia which is a fast but normal heartbeat.

If you already experience ectopic heartbeats then you are more likely to notice other changes that nearly always are harmless but horrible as I call them.

I have had ectopics daily for past 30 years with alot of 24 hr monitering over the years, they got picked up and they are harmless but they feel very horrible as when my heart pauses I get a huge head rush for a split second. At their worst when I was very stressed 14 years ago every 3rd beat was a missed beat.

4 years ago I suddenly developed a fluttering in my chest and felt very faint. This would happen every day for a week then go away for months. I had endless 24hr or 3 day monitering plus event moniter etc but of course it never happened so 3 months ago i was fitted with an implanted moniter which moniters 24/7. Not a nice proceedure but worth it I thought to find out what was happening. I have had one of my attacks analyised and been told that my heart suddenly speeds up to 130bpm but its regular and coming from harmless place in heart so no action needed. I will keep the implanted device for 2 years so they can continue to see whats happening but at present while to me it feels horrible and scary in fact the cause is not dangerous.

Once the anti dep are totally out of your system which could be some time then you could find these little surges stop.

11-09-15, 20:32
Thanks for your reply CountryGirl :)