View Full Version : New member, anxiety/panic disorder sufferer of 3 months

11-09-15, 17:40
Hi everyone

I've been reading various posts on this forum unregistered for a couple weeks. Came across it via google search and I've kept coming back.

Seeing how helpful/supportive everyone is made me decide to join up. It's been quite some time since I've used a message board!

A little about me.. I'm 37, female, single, living with and taking care of my 78 year old father with dementia. I have a salaried management job for an agency that provides supports for adults with developmental disabilities.

I've had issues with anxiety over the years (often associated with break-ups), and have used medication before. However, I had my first panic attack about three months ago, in early June, out of nowhere I thought, mistaking it for a heart attack. I have since pieced together it was likely caused by my concern for my heart palpitations, which I had just seen my doctor for and hadn't had my tests come back clear yet. My next attack didn't occur for another month and a half, when I had taken my first vacation in 4 years. I had become oversensitive to my heart palpitations in that time. I made it almost another week before having my next panic attack, which set off a three-day stretch of constant panic/anxiety. I started on medication during that three days, Celexa 10mg for 1 week then increased to 20mg, and 0.5mg Ativan as needed. The Ativan was a godsend, but the Celexa didn't agree with me. I had a few okay days on the 10mg, but side effects were unbearable on 20mg, so I then switched to 10mg Prozac, which I just completed my 4th week taking it.

I've also been seeing a psychologist for CBT once a week for the past month or so. The full blown panic attacks have subsided (haven't had in over a month now), I returned to work about three weeks ago, but I still struggle with breakthrough anxiety (usually due to hyperawareness of physical sensations) and difficulty sleeping through the night.

I try to remind myself that I have come a long way already, that my periods of good days are outweighing the bad ones, and that even my understanding has made great leaps and bounds.

11-09-15, 17:46
Hiya Punkoffgirl and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

11-09-15, 19:07
hey, welcome :)

11-09-15, 22:07
Hi Punkoffgirl and welcome!
You seem to be very aware of everything that is happening to you, taking care of your father with dementia can't be at all easy and must be very sad, so things just probably got too much, but you are doing well towards recovery xx

11-09-15, 22:38
Prozac is great for anxiety. I bet if you upped your dose another 10mg you will feel a million dollar... Xx

12-09-15, 20:40

It sounds liKe you're making great progress.... I had a very bad period with panic attacks around last Christmas, but have it more or less undergo control now. Found CBt and mindfulness very helpful... But also using an SSRI.... Hope you continue to improve, and if you ever want to chat to compare thoughts please just get in touch...

13-09-15, 18:41
Hi I'm also new to NMP
Everyone seems so friendly

13-09-15, 19:50
Welcome and really sounds like you are making positive steps. Really hope you get through this tough time and I am sure you will get help and support from this site, it is brilliant :) best of luck and just take it one step at a time it doesn't matter how small them steps are just keep making them :)


13-09-15, 21:22
Hi Lan69 and welcome too!! X

14-09-15, 09:53
hi their.

welcome to the forum.