View Full Version : I've been waiting for this day!!!

11-09-15, 17:43
For two years I've had anxiety, been classed as mental! Almost killed myself because my symptoms are so so bad mentally and physically, it turns out
For the last 2 years I could of at any bad moment I have of episodes of "panick attacks" I actually could of died! They are not panick attacks and my illness is not anxiety! I knew it all along and I kept going and going today I found out I have Hyperemia of the brain, I've been left like I've had a stroke - not sure where I go from here not sure what's next.

I put a post on here a while back about atmospheric pressure alterations courses breathing problems some one replied also turning the heat up the car ....yes that's true who ever you are I can't find the post have a look in to this illness.

You know when your body isn't right you know your own body

11-09-15, 17:52
After a quick look see, it appears it's a very rare ailment and related to traumatic brain injury. There's not a lot of information as to the causes or diagnosis so I'm curious...

You've actually been clinically diagnosed with this?

Positive thoughts

11-09-15, 22:57
Congestion Or Hyperaemia Of The Brain

The Symptoms of Congestion Or Hyperaemia Of The Brain

ACTIVE: Wakefulness, or troubled, unrefreshing sleep; bad dreams; confusion of mind, with loss of power of concentration of thought; loss of memory, especially of names; unintentional neglect of most important matters; fullness of the head. headache: sensation of a tight band about the head, with various other strange and peculiar sensations; frequent flushing of the face and throbbing of the arteries of the neck and temples; despondency; morbid fears; peevishness and great restlessness; morbid sensitiveness; dizziness; roaring or other noises in the ears; dread of loud sounds; disturbance of vision by flashes of light, or black spots before the eyes; eyes often red. watery, and sensitive to the light; twitching of the muscles of the face, particularly of the eyelids and corners of the mouth; twitching and cramps in other muscles of the body: in many cases slight difficulty in the pronouncing of certain words or syllables, especially when fatigued; thickness of speech; extremities feel large and awkward; pulse usually slow and full; digestion slow and imperfect; bowels constipated; urine scanty and dark colored.

PASSIVE: Symptoms mostly the same as above, or less marked; drowsiness and unnatural stupor are prominent symptoms.

Hypcraemia of the brain is a much more frequent disease than is generally supposed; in fact, it is probably the most common of all nervous disorders. The failure to recognize this affection in its early stages not infrequently results, from a neglect of proper treatment, in much more serious and frequently incurable disease. There is good reason for believing, also, that this disease in its severer forms is not infrequently mistaken for insanity, patients being confined in lunatic asylums in consequence of temporary mental derangement wholly due to a congestion of the brain, which would readily yield to simple rest, seclusion from exciting causes, and a proper plan of treatment. The symptoms given above are chiefly those which appear in the simpler forms of the disease and in its earlier stages. If the malady is not chocked, much more serious results ultimately occur. Among the principal of these are apoplexy, epilepsy, convulsions and insanity.

The Causes of Congestion Or Hyperaemia Of The Brain

Active congestion is produced by any cause which occasions the flow of a large quantity of blood to the head. Passive congestion is occasioned by all causes which interfere with the return of the venous blood from the brain. Among the principal causes of active congestion may bo mentioned mental overwork, loss of sleep, excessive mental anxiety, and the use of alcoholic liquors, opium, quinine, belladonna, and various other drugs; also certain articles of diet, particularly excessive quantities of animal food, and stimulating condiments, as mustard. spices, pepper, etc. Overeating and eating too fast, by producing disorder of digestion, are frequent causes of active congestion of the brain. Constipation of the bowels is also a frequent cause, not only by exciting a feverish condition of the circulation, but by occasioning severe straining at stool. Exposure to the rays of the sun in hot weather or to excessive heat at any time when fatigued, frequently produces most severe active congestion. Passive congestion is occasioned by any constriction about the neck, as a tight collar or cravat, by the pressure of the large thyroid gland as in goitre, by tight lacing, and by many of the causes already mentioned. Both active and passive congestion are produced by the various forms of heart disease. Both active and passive congestion are frequently met with in cases of long-standing affections of the stomach, liver, lungs, and other internal organs. Uterine disease is a very frequent cause of cerebral congestion in women.

11-09-15, 23:01
How were you diagnosed and what tests did they do?

11-09-15, 23:23
When I went through my event that made me I'll all I did was think deep and inward fast and negative for about 3 months solid I was in my brain stuck inwards thinking so so long I feel like I've pushed all the blood to the front of my brain and all the pressure is constantly pushing up through my body - all the back of my head feels dead and I can't access memories at all without finding them with the front of my head but it hurts to do so.
I was deep paranoid thinking, feeling like I was in a fight 24/7 so deep and so constant I never give me brain a rest even when I was asleep my mind was wide awake thinking and to this day still does like its hypo awake so even when "I'm" asleep my Brain is so tense and "stuck" up its still awake,
I'm guessing it's from mental tortchure of feeling high on adrenaline fighting for 3 months 24/7, my job also would of had a factor in this litrally rushing around all day litrally running back and too to my work van I had so much work on and so much pressure I can remember starting to not feel well why working struggling to figure things out I had done all my life, soending 3 hours in someone's front room and then realising I had not taken anything in in the room because I was so deeply mentally focused on doing my job but rushing to get to the next. I've messed my brain up mentally myself with the pace of my life and then a life changing stressful deep thinkin and mentally fatiguing event, I was going boxing too 2 times a day all tense looking inward and hitting a bag all tense and inward focused. It has to be this that's done it - Il find out more soon.
I've for the last 2 years of being ill have said my illness is blood flow related - I was right but no one would listen I just hope it's not to late.

I found other articles deceiving the change in atmospheric pressure creates trouble which it does, just driving and changing altitudes like over the M62 tops creates breathing problems to the point I can not breath and the pressure in my head and face are excruciating.
also the episodes I've spoke about on here of "shutting down" gong ice cold and weak and being sick it feels like my heads draining of blood and I have mild convulsions.

It does say the quicker it's picked up the better chance of recovery - I just hope I'm not stuck cognitive and percetional you stuck how I feel for the rest of my life, I have no life but suffering because of of how my head cognition and perception are stuck.

It can lead to death also destroys tissue and brain cellls

---------- Post added at 23:23 ---------- Previous post was at 23:09 ----------

Fmri scan and PET scan.

Im to see a neurologist next week

They wanted me to stay in hospital but I've been like this for 2 years solid I want to be at home with my wife and children.

Had bad pains tonight felt sick literally stand up and raise my arms above my head making fist movements the pain eases.

If I wasn't a engineer and know about Gravity fed pressure and heating systems I would if not worked this out.

My GP knows nothing about this illness mind you it is strange but dibilitating.

11-09-15, 23:29
That's scary that you were undiagnosed for so long. I hope you get the right treatment now.

Best wishes

11-09-15, 23:30
I see a lot of words but not an answer to the question.

Have you actually been "clinically" diagnosed by a medical professional with this?

Based on your response, I would surmise the answer is "No" but Dr. Google seems to think so.

Positive thoughts

11-09-15, 23:36

11-09-15, 23:39
That's what I thought.

Thanks for answering... albeit indirectly.

Positive thoughts

11-09-15, 23:39
I was told by the dr at the hospital by the symptoms I have been experiencing bathe last 2 years it looks and sound like this illness - but would need to see a neurologist next week.
It's better than being told I suffer panick attacks when I'm literally on the floor un able to talk or move my head up or down.

You being funny there? Do us a favor......!!

11-09-15, 23:45
When I asked how were you diagnosed and what tests did they do you replied FMRI & PET scan. I'm confused as wether you've had these tests and if a specialist has told you that you have this condition or if you're just convinced you have it and are waiting to see a neurologist

11-09-15, 23:51
When I asked how were you diagnosed and what tests did they do you replied FMRI & PET scan. I'm confused as wether you've had these tests and if a specialist has told you that you have this condition or if you're just convinced you have it and are waiting to see a neurologist


Positive thoughts

12-09-15, 00:11
What does it matter to you if I have or haven't? Been "officially diagnosed" I litrally had to diagnosed myself i "must" have anxiety because 4 Drs and a a trip to hop it's couldn't figure it out I was so ill, i was told it was down to dieting my last diagnosis before I said il just say it's anxiety then I asked for diazepam...I'm no idiot and I know my own body.
I didn't know dieting could course so much pain.....

Its good to actually be told a illness and a title that actually fits and makes sense to my symptoms that I've had to struggle with the last few years losing my job & home and can hopefully look for proper treatment other than trying to talk to someone who hasn't a clue what Im gong through and be told yep it's anxiety to me is a good enough diagnosis.
Funny I had a PHD psychologist and a mental health home team worker at my house Wednesday both said ....."it's not anxiety" its too physical and it's trigger when it happened are not know with any anxiety illness. Something I said all along and I don't have a PHD in psychology, psychiatry. I'm just a little 31 year old gas engineer with engineering qualifications and some common sense 8-) - Thank you

---------- Post added at 00:06 ---------- Previous post was at 00:00 ----------

Didn't mean you Bernie I was on about you fish man "Google" dr - I just spent all day in hospital worried to death with my wife by my side and a few Drs don't appreciate the aragant comment.

I've been told they think it's this .... Explained a little to me, I've come home and read up on it and it matches everything things they never told me which makes me more convinced.
Il go back to being "medically undiagnosed" the title my dr give me a couple week back. Sorry for feeling hopeful.

---------- Post added at 00:11 ---------- Previous post was at 00:06 ----------

I had a PET scan showing the blood flow and working of the brain. I was told to stay in over weekend why they keep a eye on me. They mentioned a fmri but would want me to see another neurologist first with this pet scan result - I don't know I'm just hopeful they can finally fix me and not give me anti anxiety drug after drug that don't work for a blood related illness like i have had the last 2 years when I know they won't do a thing because I'm not depressed I'm frustrated!

12-09-15, 00:13
What does it matter to you if I have or haven't? Been "officially diagnosed" I litrally had to diagnosed myself i "must" have anxiety because 4 Drs and a a trip to hop it's couldn't figure it out I was so ill, i was told it was down to dieting my last diagnosis before I said il just say it's anxiety then I asked for diazepam...I'm no idiot and I know my own body.
I didn't know dieting could course so much pain.....

Its good to actually be told a illness and a title that actually fits and makes sense to my symptoms that I've had to struggle with the last few years losing my job & home and can hopefully look for proper treatment other than trying to talk to someone who hasn't a clue what Im gong through and be told yep it's anxiety to me is a good enough diagnosis.
Funny I had a PHD psychologist and a mental health home team worker at my house Wednesday both said ....."it's not anxiety" its too physical and it's trigger when it happened are not know with any anxiety illness. Something I said all along and I don't have a PHD in psychology, psychiatry. I'm just a little 31 year old gas engineer with engineering qualifications and some common sense 8-) - Thank you

---------- Post added at 00:06 ---------- Previous post was at 00:00 ----------

Didn't mean you Bernie I was on about you fish man "Google" dr - I just spent all day in hospital worried to death with my wife by my side and a few Drs don't appreciate the aragant comment.

I've been told they think it's this .... Explained a little to me, I've come home and read up on it and it matches everything things they never told me which makes me more convinced.
Il go back to being "medically undiagnosed" the title my dr give me a couple week back. Sorry for feeling hopeful.

You didn't say that Ollie! You answered my question with C&Ps from Google searches and an on-line doctor site about a very, very rare and unknown ailment.

If you had explained yourself from the get go then there wouldn't have been the question.

Otherwise, it's just another post that's a Dr Google self diagnosis and panic over it.

My apologies. Hope all works out for the best.

Positive thoughts

12-09-15, 07:34
This sounds like you might be getting somewhere finally with a diagnosis, Ollie. Often some people believe anxiety is all in the head and there aren't physical causes but thats not what the medical profession say as there are various deficienies, meds, illnesses, etc that are known to exhibit signs of anxiety. NHS Choices even says GP's should be performed some tests before diagnosing with anxiety...something my GP has never done. There are people who have found things like food intolerance, thyroid disorders, etc are the real underlying causes so it's right to push if something just doesn't feel right. Obviously, if you have HA this can be the anxiety itself but for those of us with other disorders, we don't have issues with "Dr Google" and can remain objective. The whole issue with Google (or any other search engine) is that the person doing the search suffers from the skewed negative thinking found in Cognitive Distortions that means they head straight for the worst problems and completely discount the more likely - but thats more a HA trait, many of us don't have those particular distortions to cause that problem.

It's interesting that you have medical professionals who specialise in mental health also backing up the fact it is not anxiety. I've always seen you as a complex case and some of things you describe have seemed less likely as anxiety but assumed it may be a severe Somatoform Disorder of some kind since some of those patients have even experienced things like blindness and loss of limb function which I doubt many people would expect with anxiety, but there are documented cases. So, this made me wonder whether your head crushing & severe lack of cognition was going to mean you were somewhere in that category but then you had this dissociative disorder diagnosis connected to PTSD too. I think people make the assumption that if you post on an anxiety forum, it's anxiety but there are so many other mental health problems that exhibit anxiety too e.g. personality disorder and these can mean different levels of mental ability that many of us are not going to understand, hence why assumption is something I'm very wary of.

How does this illness connect to the food issues you were concerned about in terms of triggers?

12-09-15, 18:04
Hi, I'm pretty lost on this post tbh. So, you haven't been diagnosed with it, but your doctor thinks it might be this condition, but doesn't know? And you will be diagnosed with it next week if the neurologist agrees?

I would be scared too if I had been on the floor unable to move too, and the doc told me it was panic attacks x

12-09-15, 20:40
I have had all over those symptoms too! :weep:

12-09-15, 22:03
I went to NHS direct to look it up but it's not there, is this the correct spelling.

13-09-15, 05:53
I went to NHS direct to look it up but it's not there, is this the correct spelling.

There are two spellings of this and both are in Ollie's first post and the later one about the symptoms. I Googled this out of interest and very little comes up. There are some studies about brain/head injury and Hyperaemia as well as their potential links to intracranial pressure issues. So, I'm guessing it's not going to be on NHS Choices?

Hyperaemia occurs in all tissues anyway, it's simply increased blood flow. So, what Ollie must be looking at is some form of overexcited condition where it doesn't reduce again (the Passive stage is the reduction, the Active stage the increase) or is triggered to something that is considered beyond normal range. Something that affects the Haemodynamic response.

There are disorders in the ICD-10 to cover this but the reason we probably won't know about them is because they are known as "organic" disorders hence are diagnosed due to a physical disease or trauma or lack of proper working of a bodily process e.g. hyperthyroidism gets a mention in here. Anxiety as GAD and/or Panic Disorder is allowed for, as is Dissociative Disorders and even depression.

Have you looked at this too, Ollie? If you looked at section F06 you would find these disorders and they can be attached to this but they still require an underlying cause so there must be at least another diagnosible condition which is where your Hyperaemia issues could come in. Do you want to have a read? I try not to post this on here unless people are ok with it because it contains all mental health problems so it's anything from dementia to drug issues and could be triggering for people with HA who might read those sections.

An interesting possibility could be a diagnosis including dissociation I guess but this is very complex stuff and one for the neurologists and maybe psychologists?

Up to about 5% of celiac disease sufferers have seizures so was that where they were coming from before, Ollie? Even high blood pressure is known as a possible cause.

---------- Post added at 05:53 ---------- Previous post was at 05:51 ----------

I have had all over those symptoms too! :weep:

Same her for many of them. Ollie had had symptoms not on that list as well with all the head pain/crushing so it's difficult to understand. Think of it as how something like gluten can cause anxiety disorders, Ollie may just have a physical set of triggers but leading to something else as a physical response according to what his doctors are suggesting.

13-09-15, 06:20
What I find puzzling is that you decided to discharge yourself from the hospital when they wanted you to stay for further testing. It seems to me, with the very serious and even life threatening aspects of what you believe you have that you would even take that risk.

I read your post history Ollie and I have to say, you've been through the wringer and then some. Your first post here speaks volumes. You never had any issues until the traumatic events happened in your life. From that point on, your mental and physical issues have spiraled, even to the point of an attempt to take your life. That's some VERY serious stuff! The violation of trust in a relationship is one of, if not the most damaging to one's heart and mind. I've been there and I know first hand the mental anguish it can cause. I can say with all confidence that you will heal from it. It takes time, sometimes years but the pain does eventually fade and you will move on. Professional help is sometimes needed (in my case it was very helpful).

I can understand you wanting to attribute a real physical illness to your symptoms but to actually hope that this illness is the one? My goodness, it's almost like wanting a sinister illness like cancer!

From your own reply:
Congestion Or Hyperaemia Of The Brain

Among the principal causes of active congestion may be mentioned mental overwork, loss of sleep, excessive mental anxiety....

Certainly, based on your post history, this is a major contributing factor should you actually be clinically diagnosed with this illness. The issue I see is that there is little known and no real definitive tests as far as I can tell. It appears it's based on mental stress and anxiety and it may just come down to treating it as an anxiety disorder, PTSD or the like.

I can't even begin to imagine the hell you've been through and are currently living. I hope you find the inner fortitude to seek the healing path.

Positive thoughts

13-09-15, 07:16
From your own reply:

Certainly, based on your post history, this is a major contributing factor should you actually be clinically diagnosed with this illness. The issue I see is that there is little known and no real definitive tests as far as I can tell. It appears it's based on mental stress and anxiety and it may just come down to treating it as an anxiety disorder, PTSD or the like.

Or isolation of triggers e.g. food elements and have dietary changes?
Or medication to control blood flow maybe?

Since the doctors are booking in scans it would suggest they understand how to find and diagnose this condition. Whilst it may be a bit sparse on Google searches, it doesn't mean they don't have it in their libraries. fMRI & PET scans seem to be how they can see the haemodynamic response, since it's about increased blood flow, and Ollie mentioned having these.

---------- Post added at 07:16 ---------- Previous post was at 06:59 ----------

What I find puzzling is that you decided to discharge yourself from the hospital when they wanted you to stay for further testing. It seems to me, with the very serious and even life threatening aspects of what you believe you have that you would even take that risk.

He's been taken to hospital twice before and discharged and like Ollie said, it's been going on for 2 years. So, I guess he would rather be in the comfort of his own home than admitted and lying around in a place where you are more likely to catch something if you don't need to be. So, I don't see the risk the same way since the medical professionals themselves have exposed him to greater risk over a 2 year period.

It would be great if they got the scans done much quicker though if he stayed in.

14-09-15, 00:48
Hello sorry i haven't posted back quicker I've been really ill last 24 hours....

Sorry for the confusion - When at the hospital i was able to explain myself a bit better than the last times around, as my illness has gone on I had to learn with ways to deal with it and figured more out so I explained this to the dr in my own words he give me the wording of the illness and I had the scan, he didn't say if it was this after my scan but said he would like another neurologist to see me and because of how bad I've been recently he wanted me stay in and keep
a eye on me but obviously like i have said loads on here litrally some days I feel like I'm losing my mind and I have to close my eyes at the same time the pain and pressure is so intense I litrally sit there holding on to my wife crying because of how I feel cognitively it's not nice and because of the pains. When I've been to the hospital I've been really bad litrally can't stand up or talk or even make sense of what I'm being asked! Then so my medical records are brought up and I'm asked if I'm hearing voices or seeing things!! So straight away I'm ready on a losing battle and I'm sent home the same if not as bad as when I was took in with the "it's just anxiety" crap! So like terry said and i agree with all his comments why should I sit in a hospital bed alone feeling like i do when I could be at home knowing I'm safe with my wife by my side, please bare in mind I'm like this 24/7 so even when I'm sat doing nothing u have to keep reminding myself, telling myself where I am where my children are, where my wife is what's going in my life because 24/7 I don't have the awareness to these things it physically feels like all the back of my brain is dead, I don't naturally access memories I have have a moment of trying to bring the pressure in my head down to try to change the blood flow from up in the very front of me head (how my perception is stuck) I'm stuck tense in the front! to the back so I can access memories otherwise it physically hurts to try to process memories or ideas, as I type this now my head tenses up so much at the front inward inward inwards then snap I zone out and reset but all the back of my head starts to burn now if I try to access a memory I've no chance it's like grinding my brain on stone it's that painfull. I have to give my head a moment to calm, the blood flow and pressure in the front of my head lowers and I get a little power back in to the back of my head but the pain is terrible - ok since day 1 I've told every dr, therapistt & neurologist I've seen to me it "feels" blood flow related but no one has listened to me. This can course death or complete mental shut down because the blood is not flowing through the muscle the tissue Starts to die the brain cels die off, yer I'm in a horrible uncertain place but even that because of the way I feel it dosnt register I "just know" but in 2 seconds it will be gone and I'm
Like this 24/7 with everything I see, touch, feel, it's not being registered for me to go back to is how it feels -

I've just orderd a book about it the only one I can find on the net - this illness was studied a long time ago! I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of it's just "anxiety"sufferes are suffering from this -

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/like/151718359073?adgroupid=&hlpht=true&hlpv=2&rlsatarget=&ul_ref=http%253A%252F%252Frover.ebay.com%252Frover %252F1%252F710-134428-41853-0%252F2%253Fipn%253Dicep%2526icep_id%253D67%2526mt id%253D1673%2526kwid%253D1%2526crlp%253D5060020458 6_563391%2526icep_item_id%253D151718359073%2526ite mid%253D151718359073%2526icep_meta_categ_id%253D26 7%2526icep_etrs%253DY%2526icep_epid%253D198112223% 2526icep_ctlg%253D610%2526icep_cond%253DNew%2526ta rgetid%253D75951454146%2526rlsatarget%253D%2526rpc %253D0.15%2526rpc_upld_id%253D54984%2526device%253 Dm%2526icep_msku_flag%253Dn%2526icep_cbt%253Dn%252 6adtype%253Dpla%2526loc%253D%2526poi%253D%2526camp aignid%253D%2526adgroupid%253D%2526gclid%253DCILB3 YWK9ccCFYU_GwodIIUJsg%2526srcrot%253D710-134428-41853-0%2526rvr_id%253D896494874254&adtype=pla&ff3=1&lpid=122&poi=&ul_noapp=true&limghlpsr=true&ff19=0&device=m&chn=ps&campaignid=&crdt=0&ff12=67&ff11=ICEP3.0.0-L&ff14=122&viphx=1&ops=true&ff13=80

I've read some horrific stories of this illness of people being put in insane asylums wrongly diagnosed - I know I'm not insane I know it's happening to me but it alters my cognition so much I struggle to work things out I have to try to work out right or wrong In my head to myself - but I know I'm ill I know it's this thing doing it to me this pressure alteres my intelligence and cognition and rational mind set I just have to try to cope it's hard and upsetting I've been stuck like this for a long time hence the suicide attempts I don't want to die but I'm trapped in a horrible illness I have no control of and chronic bad bad pain 24/7

I'm getting confused now too much mental processing it's coursing me pain.

I honesty thing this has come from mental strain from my work from my stressful event and the way I went about it. Kind of like stuck on fight mode 24/7 for 3 - 4 months solid 24/7 has altered the blood flow in my brain. When the brain body goes in to fight mode the frontal lobe shut down hence the reason when your high rate arguing and fighting you can't think rationally, the sympthetic system kicks in before hand. The fight and danger goes the parasympathetic system takes over blood flow then reverses back to the frontal lobes and the human rational brain from the limbic brain - but deeper down is the reptilian brain last resort of protecting ourselfs kicks in if the stress is not fixed with the limbic system of emotional part of the brain - it's all blood flow related but I think I've done more damage than the general anxiety.
My blood flow pushing and pushing up in to my head right to the very front so my cognition has altered so my head feels tense and all I have to use Is the front part of my head I'm stuck feeling like you would for that few seconds you would shut down awareness to do a maths sum - I'm stuck like this chronic!

How do I know it's blood flow?....

Being a engineer I know liquid pressure like heating systems and heating pumps water like the heart and blood will pump to the highest point it can reach then the pressure builds - yesterday I was in so much pain in the back of my head now I mean the whole back part of my brain other than the very very front I was vomiting and slurring I sat there took a few deep breathes trying to calm the pressure down kind of like Turing my heat down to slow down the blood flow like you would turn a heating pump down to slow down the flow of water and pressured to your sealed system (combi) of your heating - it would go so I figured if it's blood flow it should ease if I can get a body part higher than my head so I put my hands above my head stretched up and starting making fist actions - and the pain eased and eased my cognition come back better and my hands Started hurting. Just like when you get a injury in sport it's RICE - rest, ice, compression, ELIVATION! for blood flow.

Same today I was bad so I lay on my bed legs up against the wall wriggling my feet and it eased my wife shouted me so I got up went down Stairs and the pains and sensations of no blood in all the back of my head come back.

Yesterday my wife took me over the wood head pass - I struggled to breath it feels like I'm being suffocated and my hearts being crushed and my head is gong to explode but my cognition goes complete to pot I can't feel my legs or stomach!
I had to get out the car and my legs completely cramped up again a lack of oxygen circulating on my lower body with blood.

I'm not making this stuff up this is happening to me on a daily struggling basis I litrally have no life no more. It's finally hit me proper that I know know I was not going crazy im not making this up like a lot of people thought - what I've felt in my body and experience and said exactly what it feels like there is a name to the illness that in itself is hope for me because hopefully now I can start to look at treatment other than chemical re ups that won't do a thing for my illness.

There's so much more that I experience I could go all night long.

Looking forward to reading this book I've orderd - I can't believe this illness was studied so long ago by someone called
Hammond William Alexander a neurologist and studied mental illness and des ease.

My wife's mums BF has had to have fluid build up drained of his brain numerous times from street fighting when he was younger and the pressure it causes why he's waiting to have its drained courses him to go a bit off on it - his temper, his mood, he goes a bit "crazy" sort of thing the pressure in his brain courses him to lose cognitive function and rationalise to his normal ability once the fluid is drained he's his normal self - again it's all head pressure related

Sorry if i offended anyone btw didn't mean to be funny, I'm a really kind and nice person ild never mean to offend anyone.

Sent from my iPhone

---------- Post added at 00:26 ---------- Previous post was at 00:17 ----------

Sorry - terry ild appreciate any reading on this you can find pal, message me it if it's easier.

All the best

---------- Post added at 00:48 ---------- Previous post was at 00:26 ----------

Not sure about the food part - again I'm guessing digestion and blood alteration in the stomach maybe? I've noticed that it can hurt and and course problems for me before I eat like If I'm aware I'm about to sit down at the table to eat food that thought automatically triggers the body to prepare and the pancreas release insulin before the meal is even put in the mouth or hits the stomach.
Just a guess really but can't think of anything else.
I've been so mentally fatigued at doing simple tasks I have to concentrate at (doing Lego with my 3 year old son) I've had to walk away & go lye on my bed because of the pains and things - this isn't normal, I use to build £6000 fireplaces from 15 pieces of stone and marble without any mental processing problems or awareness of what I'm up to and doing.

Not sure if lumba puncture might work -
Not sure if I've had this problem all my life but not as bad as I've had a blood clot on my lung at the age of 21 I think I was it was never found out where it actually come from or why. I was miss diagnosed with that too told i pulled a muscle playing football until one night like I do now i want ice cold and couldn't walk or talk I was in bad back side pain and shaking.
Then after that I got phnumonia age had a few nights in hospital.

Funny too terry since the very start I've had pain in my neck right where all the vains run down and again I've mentioned this loads of times to gps hospital neurologist - one of my theory's is that I'f I had a small blockge here then the brain can not drain as quick as the blood is being pumped up the other side of my neck so the build up of pressure, my neck also has become sore and hard to move it feels congested around the neck and scull. I have stuffed ears too if I blow my ears close over.
I had blood on my pillow a few mornings back and all in my ear so I called the dr he give me ear spray lol, it's not sore.

I know my own body Il get to the bottom of it mate

14-09-15, 08:29
How many neurologists have you seen, Ollie? Has anyone referred you to a centre for neurological conditions?

14-09-15, 09:59
Wow. I truly hope you get sorted. It sounds like an awful condition. And, I know myself suffering from anxiety that it is really hard to believe these symptoms are "just" anxiety - yours doesn't sound like anxiety, and it must be frustrating when doctors are saying it is. To not be able to play lego with your 3yr old son must be heartbreaking too. Keep us updated with your progress and I wish you the best of luck x

blue moon
14-09-15, 10:42
Î have a friend in Sydney who had very similar symptoms as you,she complained to docs all the time about pressure in her head,she had lumbar puncture to relieve the pressure but only lasted 24 hours. And it came back again,her husband had enough and took her to Westmead Hospital and after lots of tests they put a stent in her head,I feel for you Ollie,as I have seen what my mate went through with pain it was driving her crazy.Doctors told her it was all in her head, and it was not anxiety She is much better,So I hope you find answers.:hugs:

15-09-15, 15:25
Hello, yer it's been pretty horrendous the last 24 months I was so so bad at the start I don't know how the hell I've not been in hospital as a in patient the fact I'm a fighter has kept me going strong, at times it's been to much to bare and felt like no one was listening to me and that I'm stuck like this all the rest of my life now but the last 6 months I've been learning new things to cope learning new things out so I am getting better just very slow. I'm excited now the fact I'm back to the drawing board and back on the examination & treatment again because it got to the point my GP has said he can't help me no more I have tried every anxiety medication nearly non changes my symtoms or how I was feeling.
I've got my appointment through for the 1st of October to go see another neurologist only this time i can go in there and actually explain what's happening to me, what courses it, what it feels like, what I now understand I can hopefully now point him in the right direction for treatment because last time I was a mess I couldn't talk or respond to him I walked out the room not being able to argue with his outcome because at the time I hadn't a clue what was happening to me or what triggered it off or how to call it down or what the sensations where I was that bad! I will not be getting fobbed off this time around I'm 22st 6ft if I have to start throwing my weight around to demand treatment I will I'm not living like this on my own no more enough is enough.

Ive been ok all day but I've lay on my bed all day with my little boy he's poorly and we have plasteres in downstairs - I just went done to carry the tv up so my little boy can watch cbeebies and Bang! Elevated heart rate blood pressure straight up in to my head, breathing problems head pains and sensations, cognition Starts to decline....its hyporiemia all day! It's took me two years to get my cognition to a state where I don't feel insane 24/7 because of my heart rate pressure and head problems have been so so intense now I have this conclusion..

Very small Elivated heart rate - blood pressure all to the brain hyporiemia cousing cognition problems and mania,
Too much elevated heart rate as in football or boxing superior elevated heart rate and extreme hyporiemia
leaving me in "fight" mode extreme mood lift mania, altered mood swings
Breathing difficulty from hyporiemia of the brain cerabal circulation.

Body stuck like this. Doing nothing keeping my heart rate very minimal leaves me with cognition and rationality.

Blood increased flow related all to the brain "hyporiemia" cousing the anxiety mental health like symptoms

Pain in neck blockage decreased blood from brain cousing congestion and pressure build up in the head and neck.

Eating white carbohydrates also triggers it off - blood flow alteration in stomach.

---------- Post added at 15:25 ---------- Previous post was at 15:07 ----------

I have felt like i was insane or skits 24 hours a day 7 days a week the first 6 - 8 months but I knew it was happening to me my cognition was so so bad and a mess a could just about rationalise with myself but I got through it by telling myself I know who I am I know it's happening to me in not crazy but I was freaking out from it it was horrible! Desturbing in fact to have gone through. Night time was the only time I felt ok I know realise that this is because after a bath my body would be in a calm state and my heart rate was calm and the blood flow was minimal - I use to not not move off the sofa after a bath because I knew if u did the slightest thing would trigger it off as small as waking to the kitchen then bang I felt insane again like I was losing my mind that's how easy it triggered! I lived like this for a long time I guess I done the wrong thing by still trying to live normal following my wife around all day keeping me in a state of high blood ELIVATION I was a mess bad!
for the first 16 months I never liked to be alone because my cognition and awareness was that bad I felt so detached and un aware I kept freaking out and panicking I didn't know where I was or ild forget abs realise then panic then freak out again then forget about my kids litrally in seconds I again felt like I had lost my mind but i hadn't I knew it was happening to me I was still me, it's crazy I'm now 70% everyday and when I do have these episodes now like before with carrying the TV I know it's gona come and how to deal with it, where 2 years ago I could not work out even where I was what day it was or who I was with. I can still get really bad but I know before i do that I'm going to now because I know the triggers and the elevated heart rate trigger.

I always knew I wasn't crazy my body is not me.