View Full Version : Why I can't get over this

09-02-07, 20:10
Hi everyone, sorry for posting again, but I can't shake my symptoms. Why won't they go away. I spoke to my cardios assistant and GP yesterday, said same thing again, nothing is going to happen to me, I am not going to have a heart attack. Why can't I shake the feeling that something is? I am still shaky, lightheaded, etc. When will it go away? Help!

09-02-07, 20:36
Hiya Shelly

I know what you are going through, those horrible thoughts focusing inwards about your health.

Anxiety is more a problem with how you think, rather than how you feel. When I was suffering at my worst with anxiety, every little chest pain was a heart attack, a headache was a tumor, in fact, every little ailment I suffered was blown out of proportion. You have been to the GP, and the GP has ruled out the physical. So, take heart in that those horrible feelings are a result of anxiety, nothing more.

I never tried CBT, I wanted to but I could not find a local practitioner, but I hear lots of good things about CBT. As I understand it, its a therapy that teaches you to challenge the thoughts. Instead of thinking "chest pain? jeeeeeze its a heart attack" it takes the thought, and replaces it with " hmm chest pain, we all get them, achy muscle, bit of tension, wind even, no matter, its not a heart problem, doc checked me out and lets face it, I get them often so if it was serious I would know by now".

Maybe someone has had CBT reading this who could offer advice, or check your area for CBT practitioners.

Easily said I know, but relaxing into the thoughts helps.

Hope you feel better soon.


09-02-07, 20:39
Its your anxiety causing the light headedness im sure.

Have faith in your drs, I know its difficult though.
