View Full Version : Headache Update-Neuro Appt

11-09-15, 19:29
So i saw a neurologist today for the constant headache i have had for 2 1/2 months..have already had sinus ct scan, 3 courses of antibiotics, allergy tests, singulair prescription..none of that helps nor any otc stuff

i did fine on all the in office tests..she wants me to come back for brain mri on tuesday

she is thinking that my headache is due to my body's fighting of mono/glandular fever/epstein barr virus its been struggling with since march..

she prescribed a course of steroids and gabapentin..so im optimistic this will work :-)

11-09-15, 22:31
I hope you get this sorted soon, I am pleased you are getting treatment for it and hopefully you will soon start to feel well again.

natalie yog
12-09-15, 08:46
So happy your getting seen to and obviously getting treated well by your dr.

12-09-15, 12:44
thanks guys i appreciate the support..one gabapentim capsule last night and the headache is down to a dull tickle so i am encouraged so far😀

12-09-15, 14:16

natalie yog
12-09-15, 14:28