View Full Version : Breast Lump - Very Scared

11-09-15, 19:47
I recently had a mammogram and ultrasound for a lump. The lump was just a simple cyst. But the doctor was more concerned about a old lump I've had for 14 years. Was always told it was a fibroadenoma.

The ultrasound describes it as a lobulated heterogeneous hypoechoic leison at 12 o'clock measuring 1.7 x 2.9 x 2.7 - suggestive of fibroadenoma (low suspecious for malignancy).

The doctor was concerned about it being phyllodes tumor. I'm beside myself with panic after googling heterogeneous breast lumps and phyllodes.

My panic is spiraling out of control. My family are fed up of me and I'm feeling so scared and lonely.

I am waiting to see a breast specialist.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.

11-09-15, 19:56
I'm no expert in this area, but after 14 years I'd say the chances of this being anything sinister for you to worry about are virtually 0. Please stop worrying because it will just make you feel rubbish and you've lived so many years with this, it isn't just going to spontaneously become dangerous!

11-09-15, 20:14
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. As you said 14 years is a long time. My new doctor frightened me by being so concerned about this lump. Also putting the possibility of phyllodes into my head made me spiral. Thank you again :)

11-09-15, 20:26
Sorry you are panicking over this - I know how things escalate and you go round and round in circles, imagining a worse outcome every time. I have had so many breast lumps and cysts over the years, all thankfully benign, but with every one I did what you are doing now.

First of all,what Jackdobs said is true - after 14 years it is unlikely to be anything sinister. Benign lumps grow and change, too, and can mimic other conditions, but 14 years is a long time for this to be anything bad. The ultrasound report says 'suggestive of fibroadenoma' in any case, and from my point of view, they already know a lot more than your GP - this is their expert field and they have suggested that it is a fibroadenoma.

Secondly, I have googled a bit more for you (it is from a reputable breast care site): Phyllodes tumours are not common and are usually benign (not cancer). So even if this should turn out to be a phyllodes (reportedly rare!), chances are it is benign anyway.

I know that nothing will take the worry away until you see the breast specialist, but my wish for you is that you will be able to focus on the odds that things will be absolutely fine.

:hugs: from Annie

11-09-15, 20:46
Thank you so much Annie for doing some research for me. As you said in my panic I am going round and round in circles - each time imagining something worse.

Funnily the lump rarely crossed my mind in 14 years until the doctor said it could be a phyllodes tumour. Now I'm worried I've not been vigilant enough.

Thank you so much for your kindness. I will read the link now :hugs:

11-09-15, 21:03
It isn't actually a link, just a lifted quote. I thought it was so reassuring that it was OK to post, even though googling conditions and symptoms is to be avoided at all costs!! :)

Did your GP mention the possiblility of a phyllodes before or after the ultrasound? If it was before, you have your answer in the ultrasound report, and if it was after, the report does say 'suggestive of fibroadenoma', so either way, it all points to a fibroadenoma!

I think sometimes GPs don't choose their words very well. A couple of years ago I had a skin lesion, and one GP at the surgery did not think it was serious, but added that "I am going to refer you, because sometimes cancer presents that way" Imagine the panic! Long story short - the dermatologist told me within a second of looking at it that it was nothing, and proceeded to freeze it off. Then he told me he was quite shocked that the GP had ventured such an ill-informed opinion for no reason at all.

The main thing is that someone in the know will be looking at it and the odds are hugely in favour of something benign. :)

Best wishes from Annie

11-09-15, 22:11
Thank you for your reply, Annie. The doctor said after the ultrasound it was suggestive of fibroadenoma. But said they couldn't be 100% sure unless it was tested /removed.

Then said that phyllodes tumours can mimick fibroadenoma. The only way they know is how quickly the cells separate. He did say that a clinical difference is that phyllodes grow very quickly.

My lump hasn't grown much over the years. It was kind of big when I found it. From my googling i read that fibroadenoma can get to 1-3cm and stop. phyllodes tumours are around 5cm and can grow much bigger very quickly.

My lump is just under 3cm so hoping this is a good sign. I had a baby 2 years ago; so I'm also hoping anything sinister would have been clear then when the hormone levels were high. The lump didn't raise any worries and I breastfed as normal.

Thank you so much, Annie, for taking time to talk with me. I appreciate it! :)

11-09-15, 22:24
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. As you said 14 years is a long time. My new doctor frightened me by being so concerned about this lump. Also putting the possibility of phyllodes into my head made me spiral. Thank you again :)

I have never in all my life heard of someone who had a tumour that sat there doing nothing and causing no bother for over a decade! The majority of breast lumps (approximately 80%) are NOT cancer, and one that sits there for years? Ridiculously unlikely.

Is your new doctor young by any chance? Just a thought - some doctors (often new ones) are reluctant to reassure patients so much, because they're worried that if anything DID happen (no matter how unlikely), they'd get into a lot of trouble. So they like to cover themselves for all possibilities. This is a good thing obviously, but at the same time it puts the fear of God into you!

No worries at all - we're here to help each other through these awful, difficult times.

11-09-15, 23:24
Thank you jackdobs for your reply. The doctor was around mid 30's. As you said there was no reassurance from the new doctor. I explained it has been there for 14 years and he started to talk about metastasis of cancer :unsure:

I said surely after so many years I would be very sick by now. Again there was no answer from the doctor. He said he recommended having it removed within the next 3 months and not to wait for longer.

I was terrified and confused after my appointment. I've been distraught ever since.

30-04-16, 08:08
Update in case someone reading this is experiencing something similar:

After seeing a consultant breast surgeon he knew what it was straight away. Apparently, the 1 lump was in fact 2 small fibroadenomas joined together. Which is why it looked a bit lobulated in places.

Consultant said it hasn't gotten any bigger. He was not concerned about the size (nearly 3cm!) Said it looks typically benign and if it did get any bigger they can freeze the lump and it will disperse by itself.

I had an internal bruise which was clear on ultrasound from poking the lump every day. Consultant advised not checking everyday like I was - just 1 time per month.

Also had a couple of small cysts. Which he assured me were because of stress. Cysts can also appear due to irregular periods. Apparently, I was still producing milk which is why I was lumpy. Which again is quite common even though not pregnant and have stopped breast feeding.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide brilliant advice ��