View Full Version : Reassurance please

09-02-07, 20:32
This week I had a headache for about 3 days, today its gone but ive woken up feeling so exhausted even though I went to bed at 9.30pm last night and tonight honestly I could go to bed now I am that tired.

I was also abit light headed since the weekend and today its much worse as is the tiredness. I am freaking myself out over it.

Can someone please reassure me, im thinking bleed on brain or tumour. I had blood tests done last week, I had a full blood count & ferritin levels checked because I have low iron levels but its now coming up, yey. Would a full blood count show an indication of a bleed or tumour?

I have 3 children, most nights I go to bed at 11-12ish and im up by 3am to give my daughter a bottle so im back to sleep within half an hour but then im up by 6am, some days 5am but my son is getting abit better and letting me lie in abit, lol! Last night though I was asleep at 9.30pm, woke at 3.30am, back to sleep at 4.30am and up at 6am. Why am I so tired and light headed today? thats a better nights sleep for me.

I was up all of sunday & monday night with my daughter as she was ill, I set me alarm and checked her hourly because she was having fits when her temp went high which really made me anxious. My husband thinks its all the stress im under.

Sorry to post again, feeling ever so paranoid. It must be because my dads best friend died of a brain haemorage last weekend and I have his funeral coming up but I was having light headed feelings last weekend anyway.

09-02-07, 20:49
hey jem,

i get similar worrys to you about headaches and why i feel so tired...
wen ever i feel worried i check out this post by Mr Monkey...to reasure myself that its not somink serious.

[Link removed invalid url]

and the tiredness you are having could be due to stress..., and broken nights sleep as you mentioned you get up at night.

i get alot of tiredness despite having alot of sleep...like u i was worried...the doctor did a blood test and said iron levels are slightly low so im taking iron supplement.
low iron is definitly a factor causing tiredness...im not sure but i think i read somewere that every time u have your period iron levels can lower little. your tiredness is due to stress, and not sleeping well as well as low iron.

your symptoms are not due to brain tumour or bleedin...u mentioned u had a headache for 3days but its gone today...i assure u if it was something serious it would certainly get worse not better.

hope you feel well and hope your daughter gets well.



09-02-07, 20:51
Thank you Sam, lovely of you to take the time to reply and reassure me. I have had a very low week what with the events that have taken place, maybe im incredibly stressed.

09-02-07, 21:12
hi jem

sorry you are feeling this way .

i have had this befor and went to see my gp about it he sead when i was getting up in the night and then going back to sleep ...my sleep was being broken and this wasent good along side the stress of having a baby ect .and you know us people with anxiety have a way of making ourselfes think things are the worst rather than just a bad head (well i do this anyway )i am sorry to hear that your dads frend died mabe this hasent helped you .
i am sure you will be ok hun .
jodie x

10-02-07, 07:47
Thanks Jodie.

10-02-07, 10:10
hi jem, you are having very little sleep, and your sleep is broken too, so it is no wonder you are exhausted. When my kids were younger and i was waking up with them in the night i felt like a complete zombie, I just couldnt function normally at all - i felt really really ill. I was at the doctors constantly because i was so run down. Now i get much better sleep but still find that i'm tired in the day. Looking after kids is exhausting anyway, its like being 'on call' 24 hours a day.

Sometimes an early night can make you feel better, but i find that i really have to have quite a few early nights before i really get much benefit. I really dont think it sounds like you have anything serious wrong with you, your body just needs more sleep, sorry i cant really suggest anything to help with this as its so difficult when you have young children - i know exactly how you feel [^]


10-02-07, 10:15
Thank you mag,

Today im full of cold ad exhausted, the kids are all bunged up so maybe ive been coming down with a virus all week.

It is like being on call 24/7, my hubby works from 7am and doesn't get in until 7pm. It is such a long day, ive got a 4 yr old in school but a 3yr old and 17mth old at home, its so hard.

10-02-07, 15:02

Try this site too...



People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

10-02-07, 19:14
Thanks Nicola, very interesting read. Also abit freaky because he has the same name as my dr, lol!

11-02-07, 11:29
I think if anyone was going through wot u r at the mo theyd be knackered and stressed!! Can Hubby get up in the night to give u a break???

11-02-07, 15:27
I can't help but wake up when I hear my daughter crying in the night, we give her her bottle then I wait up, well I lie in bed and listen out until she has finished, takes me a while to nod back off. He gets up and warms it.

I am feeling very stressed which is causing my anxiety to go through the roof.