View Full Version : Small Skin Infection

11-09-15, 21:24
Hi Guys!

I have health anxiety that kind of comes and goes. Lately I've been depressed (diagnosed by a therapist) although I haven't been taking antidepressants. I've just been trying to get through it with therapy and exercise and life changes.

Anyway, recently got a small skin infection (perhaps a hair follicle) and although it seemed to be getting slightly better after a week and never actually hurt or anything, the anxiety got to me and I went to Urgent Care.

The doctor took a quick glimpse and just said it was a tiny infection and didn't seem concerned at all. However he gave me an oral and a topical antibiotic. OF COURSE I have been Googling and I am so worried that it's some horrible staph or MRSA infection. I surf, and I know people can get that from the water although rare.

He diagnosed it as "cellulitis" and didn't mention staph or anything. However Google said that Staph can cause that, and Google also said that the topical antibiotic is sometimes used to treat MRSA.

It seems to be getting smaller/better/less red and overall I feel fine (but tired b/c haven't been sleeping well) but I haven't been sleeping well and I'm still very anxious about it because I keep googling.

I know I'm more anxious because I've been depressed lately...it's like a snowball effect. I've had a lot of health anxiety recently flare up and I'm pretty sure it's from depression.

Should I go back to my regular doctor to ask for a second opinion on how it's doing? Yesterday and today I remember thinking that it was looking a lot better, but now I'm second guessing myself and worried that it's suddenly going to turn around and get worse.

11-09-15, 21:36
Google should not be trusted - Google says a lot of things and 9 times out of 10, Google is wrong. Google scares me!!

11-09-15, 21:41
I know! I mean, I do know people that HAVE had MRSA and they thought it was a pimple at first. But if the doc didn't seem worried then I shouldn't worry right? I don't have any other weird symptoms and the infection site itself is very small/non painful/and getting smaller.

I keep getting these fears that it somehow went into my body and is going to turn into sepsis or something weird. Or that I have a strain of something that will mutate and turn into something resistant to antibiotics. I have a very active imagination :(

12-09-15, 08:04
Hi hun, totally understand your fears, my skin is prone to infection. I was bit/stung a couple of weeks ago and that turned into cellulitis. I was given flucloxcillan which I reacted badly too this time. I too, drove myself mad. In a four day period I visited the walk in, a&e and my doctors twice. The wound has reduced to near to nothing and skin surrounding wound has turned to just slightly darker than my usual colour, it was bright red, inflamed and burning. I switched to amoxiclav half way through treatment. I took photos everyday so I could see the improvement myself.
I currently have a skin abscess which is a recurring issue. My doctor is reluctant to give me more antibiotics as I've just finished a course, and wants to see how it develops.
If you read the leaflets of the medications you've been given, you'll see they are used to treat a wide spectrum of infections, sadly our wonderful minds ignore that and goals on the worst.
Hope you're feeling better soon, in a couple of days you'll probably look back with a smile thinking what was the fuss all about.
Believe me, if the infection was bad, you would know it, you would have far more symptoms than what you have (not going to list them, cause if you're anything like me you'll convince yourself you have them in a matter of minutes).

14-09-15, 00:07
Thanks for the reply! I didn't see it until just now.

I actually made a followup appointment with my regular doctor to discuss it. I'm very curious how I got this and how to identify/prevent in the future. Also want to make sure he thinks it's healing as I only have one more day of antibiotics and it's still a little red.