View Full Version : nail melanoma fear

11-09-15, 21:35
So the other day, just browsing my F_B wall someone had posted one of those "Warning signs you can't ignore" kinds of things. Normally I would ignore and move on but the picture on the article showed a finger nail with a stripe down it, which is something I've had for a month or two now.

Naturally I clicked, and a few Google searches later, I'm now freaking out I have melanoma under my nail of one of my fingers. I know it could be other things too but...

My derm appointment isn't for another 3 weeks. I'm going crazy.

11-09-15, 21:48
Them things on FB are awful - they are usually written by people with little medical knowledge.
You said it yourself, you googled it and it can be allsorts. x

11-09-15, 22:06
If its due to injury then it will grow out itself over about 6 months so look closely and is it growing with the nail? I have had this before due to injury which I have long forgotten about like when you stub your finger.

Waiting 3 weeks for your next appt is fine.

11-09-15, 22:19
It's been there at least 2-3 months (maybe longer), doesn't seem like it's changed at all and yes, appears to grow with the nail but also doesn't go away either.

I've seen some other pix on Google that look almost EXACTLY like it, and I don't think any of them were melanomas. I guess I'll just have to try and relax for the next few weeks.

13-09-15, 13:23

I worry about this too, to be fair there aren't many types of cancer I don't worry about.

Just to give you a bit of reassurance I had a brown spot in the middle of one of my toenails and was worried. I spoke to my GP who has been a dermatologist for over 30 years.

He said that in all his time as a dermatologist he has never seen a nail melanoma and it is incredibly rare.

So I think it's highly likely it's going to be a benign cause. You are doing the right thing getting it checked but the chances of it being melanoma are extremely low.

Take care

13-09-15, 13:36
Thanks. Like an idiot I consulted Dr. Google looking for reassurance which obviously only made it worse.

Though one official medical site (I forget which one) put up some rather reassuring odds, especially considering how rare it is in white people.

So now I just need to conquer the what ifs for the next 2 weeks.