View Full Version : Lung Cancer worries

12-09-15, 11:48
Basically for a while now since -http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=173653 I've been worried about lung cancer. My symptoms are clearing my throat often, getting out of breathe more easily when exercising and pins and needles as well as a bit of pain in the left side of my chest and back and down my left arm but nothing severe which could be due to me lying on my sides a lot. Also for about a year when I thought about it after doing exercise I felt like I was getting out of breathe more easily and at times I feel like I cant take a deep breathe and like my left lung cannot fill up properly.I got scared due to reading about a lot of people who only had slight symptoms and a woman who's symptom was getting out of breathe when riding her bike which before she could do with no problem. I am terrified of going to the doctor as I am afraid I will be told I have it. I know I am very young but have heard young people get it too. I know you cannot diagnose me over the internet but anyone who can give me reassurance e.g what are the chances I have this with my symptoms and considering I am 20 would be great in the short term as I will be seeing a therapist soon.

12-09-15, 17:08
Age 20 ................No way mate , at all !

Will be something else nothing serious .

The panic / worry could be causeing some of the symptoms !