View Full Version : both ears blocked..what to do?

12-09-15, 17:16
First off I must tell you I'm virtually deaf in my left ear due to having a mastoidectamy some 20 or so years ago so rely on my good right ear .

At the end of August I started getting some hearing loss in my remaining good ear so went to the doctors who said it was a wax build up. After taking around a weeks earwax treatment to loosen it up I went back to have it syringed out. The nurse at the doctors said my ear canal was a little red and wouldn't do it till the next week. The next day or so my hearing seem to close down completely, worried, I went to the emergency walk in center at the Hospital who confirmed my ear was full of wax and there was no inflammation or redness, so I booked in to have my ear syringed at the doctors. When they did it they said hardly any wax came out but the ear canal was now clean and clear from wax.

Since then my hearing has not come back properly (if at all). I went back to the emergency walk in center again who looked at my ear drum and thinks I may have a fluid or 'gunk' build up behind the eardrum and told me to go to my g.p and get a referral back to the ENT.

I've now had my referral letter but the appointment given is in December, which I find totally unacceptable.
I've now been back to the doctors to tell him this and he is going to write to them and get it forwarded.

I understand my condition may be temporary which may clear on its own.
In the meantime I'm taking a prescribed nasal spray, taking Sudefed decongestants and having menthol (olbas oil)/steam inhalations regularly throughout the day.

Apart from that I don't know what else I can do. I am very anxious that, as I've already had one ear problem this may lead onto something more serious!

I think the suderfed is taking hold as I'm just starting to hear top (or loud) frequency's..though my ear drum still feels blocked and cant hear the phone\t,v of have a 'quite' conversation!

It just really annoys me that I can't seem to get any help or reassurance ..my doctor (who seems to be a different one every visit) doesn't seem to concerned and just asked if I'd got any illness cover from work (I was sent home .but luckily have booked it as holiday leave until the week after..though if my hearing isn't back I don't know what I'll do)...slightly panicking as the days tick by..any help or reassurance would be very grateful to this new comer on here ..thanks

12-09-15, 17:33
Until you get your ENT appointment there is nothing really you can do. I have been having similar problems and also waiting for an ENT appointment.

12-09-15, 17:45
I have had problems with my ears for years. My doctors refuse to syringe my ears now as I have to have them done that often. I had such a bad infection that I went to out of hours and they referred me to the ENT A&E where I had microsuction instead (I have been asking my doc for this for 14 years after I had it once). It is much better than syringing as it doesn't damage the ear drum, which syringing can do. They told me they have a nurse-led clinic where I can go in twice a year and get it done - I just need a letter from my GP. He refused to give me it and told me to see the nurse for syringing!!! I said the nurse won't syringe my ears!! Agghhh.
Anyway, I wouldn't worry too much. Your doc won't seem too concerned s it is just earwax - it won't harm you x

12-09-15, 17:59
No..it isnt earwax..Ive been told since the syringing that my ear canal is clear..it was the doctor at the emergency walk in center who suspects its something (water..gunk ) behind the ear drum.

12-09-15, 18:50
Mine is also caused by fluid. I bought an Otovent which is helping to clear it.

13-09-15, 13:00
So Annie..does this Otovent really work ?.
if it does will look into it more ..thanks for the tip ;-)

13-09-15, 18:39
Never used it but good reviews on amazon


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19-09-15, 18:08
I've been out and got 'Octovent'...tried it...it certainly makes your ears 'pop'..and a very slight improvement which was temporary..but just wondering if its just pushing the fluid\gunk up against the eardrum?.surly that cant be good..is it ?...in two minds whether to carry on with it or stick it in the draw....meanwhile..I've finally got an emergency hospital appointment on Monday..fingers crossed they'll put my mind at rest in nothing else..fingers crossed.

22-09-15, 11:00
Well..had my hospital appointment..had an hearing test to find my deaf ear..still deaf!....and my one good ear..although slightly better has the top end frequencies dropped off quite a lot..and is why everything still sounds like I'm under water.

they tested my eardrum for fluid behind the ear drum and said that was fine!

The doctor thinks I've had an infection which was made worse by blocked ear wax..and now the canal is free from wax and the air can circulate things are settling down..he said it 'might' improve a little more, but very doubtful (because of my age) that it'll get back to where it was before..so therefore recommends I have an hearing aid!!!

In the meantime..I've stopped the suderfed (was it drying it out and making it harder to shift?)..but still taking the menthol inhalation as I'm still think it feels ''wet'' inside the ear and hope it might shift it!...as I say hearing has slightly improved though it still feels like I'm underwater...which makes me have to have sub titles on the t.v...but listening to music..(my one big passion) un-listenable ...just trying to be positive about it all! ;-(

03-10-15, 10:53
Just to update things...

Its now over a month since It all started..the good news is my hearing is a lot lot better..can just about hold a conversation and most t.v is listenable...the bad news is it still feels like there's something behind my ear and is still 'wet' which is still making me feel like I'm under water somewhat...the most frustrating thing is getting help and reassurance..as the doctor has already given me an emergency referral he wont treat me any further as he say I'm now under the hospital and its up to them !...I've now got a follow up from the Hospital for another appointment in a months time , in the meantime I can only hope things improve further until then !...I notice a do a lot of coughing first thing in the morning which I guess is the build up of gunk that builds up overnight ..so am carrying on with occasional menthol inhalations and the odd dose of cough medicine which must be helping ?....any other advice guys ..as its starting to really get me down ! ;-(

22-10-15, 15:03
Well its now mid October..I've just come back from my ENT appointment..had another hearing test which showed my hearing is just about all back..the top end range is still very low (put down to old age) which mean although most one to one conversation and t.v is o'k..its in crowded scenarios that cause me problems..which includes listening to music and live gigs (and sods law my big love in life)..to which I'm being fitted with hearing aids to help with..this will be done in a few weeks time..so hopefully I'll be able to enjoy listening to music again ..until then..life goes on !