View Full Version : Nerve pain driving me crazy!

12-09-15, 18:53
I was recently diagnosed with nerve pain in the lower back to groin (tmi sorry), and my anxiety is really driving me up a wall because of it. I keep thinking its something different due to my anxiety, symptoms keep changing to burning to itching to pain and can be quite distressing and Google doesn't help with my HA. My neuro told me its nerve pain, but how can I convince myself of this when my HA strikes?

12-09-15, 19:04
I have a totally wrecked spine and get nerve pain in quite a few places. Its incredibly hard to put up with and it seems as if the only meds to work are the anti epilepsy ones like gabapentin which come with side effects. I sympathise totally.

As for your hA, I assume you have had an mri scan of your spine for your neuro to diagnose nerve pain?? If you have had a scan then you can be sure that anything life threatening would have been seen. If you haven't had a scan of any kind since the pain started then it would be reasonable to ask for one to confirm the diagnosis.

12-09-15, 19:19
I have had so many tests, even a herpes test! So my HA likes to mess with me, convincing myself isn't easy especially when i wake up with it ><.

12-09-15, 20:13
You just got to put faith and trust in your doctor. He/she are very experienced and are the professionals, so just trust in their judgement. I understand it can be hard to do so, especially when you have lots of pain, but if you stress over it then you risk making the pain worse and then it's a never ending spiral of negativity. Try to be positive, pal, it's easy to say especially for us anxiety sufferers, even i am the same when it comes to my health and i am only 27, but stress can accentuate things further and mess with your mind and body.

12-09-15, 23:15
Thanks Mark, I know I should have faith in my doctors, hopefully things with my anxiety will turn around soon, today, has been a good day, distraction helps A LOT it seems, and convincing myself it's anxiety talking helps a lot. Just got to have more control when the anxiety strikes!