View Full Version : Ear and eye problems

12-09-15, 19:22
Hi all,
First time posting, I'm 29 and have been battling health anxiety for some time now possibly started by losing my mum to cancer at the age of 20.

Every ailment or complaint and my mind jumps to cancer.

My ear problem I've had for some time possibly years, but has progressively got more persistent.
It's the feeling of pressure in my left ear, a fullness, and the feeling of needing to yawn, swallow or stretch my jaw to release it, only for it to reappear shortly after.

My eye problem has developed over the last 2 years. I had an eye test nearly two years ago noticing a reduction in night vision with things becoming blurry only in my left eye and now my vision in general is getting worse in that eye and I've noticed if rubbing or pressing on that eye that it makes a squelching noise.

I do often suffer from a stiff neck, but is often relieved by a swift crack (yes, I'm one of them)

But with my list of symptoms and the way my mind works I fear the worse, expect it to be a brain tumour or tumour of some sort and I'm on a swift slippery slide to death.

Can someone help with a little clarity and even some insight into what it could be other than the worst case

All help much appreciated

12-09-15, 19:29
Hmm well rubbing or pressing on your eye would make a squelching noise and why would you want to do that?
The ear pain could come from tension in your neck. I very much doubt the ear and eye problems are related. If you had an eye test 2 years ago then you will be due for another one and the optician will be able to advise you of any problems.

12-09-15, 19:30
PS I have an opticians appointment tomorrow and doctors appointment on Wednesday

But as anyone who suffers anxiety will understand I want answers now haha

---------- Post added at 18:30 ---------- Previous post was at 18:29 ----------

Hmm well rubbing or pressing on your eye would make a squelching noise and why would you want to do that?
The ear pain could come from tension in your neck. I very much doubt the ear and eye problems are related. If you had an eye test 2 years ago then you will be due for another one and the optician will be able to advise you of any problems.

It's not something I do habitually it's something that I noticed and something that only my left eye does and not my right

12-09-15, 19:53
I am sure the optician will be able to put your mind at rest tomorrow :) Not long to wait :)

13-09-15, 08:22
Can't comment on eye problem, but I've suffered with ear problems for years, have you been referred to an ent x

13-09-15, 08:44
Can't comment on eye problem, but I've suffered with ear problems for years, have you been referred to an ent x

Had been to see the practice nurse who said there was no sign of wax build up and was given ear drops I think it was a while ago. Didn't think much of it at the time but as my anxiety has got worse over time so has my concern for it.

What was the cause of your problems?

13-09-15, 09:09
Still uncertain, under care of ent and due to get camera down throat, not overly concerned as symptoms come and go. I get a full ear feeling, no wax but sometimes they feel wet, sore throat on right side, dull hearing and ringing, and really irritable when it flares. Nausea and dizziness too. Don't use cotton tips to clean your ears, mine have improved greatly since I stopped doing this.
If it's still bothering you, go back, there are so many things that can cause discomfort with ears without it being the worst case. Ent are not overly concerned about me, and they are the specialists. They also diagnosed a benign lymph node in my neck which was my biggest worry. X

13-09-15, 09:39
Thanks Tracey
Will persist with the doctor on Wednesday and insist on further investigation more so for my own peace of mind

---------- Post added at 08:39 ---------- Previous post was at 08:36 ----------

I also am aware I could have problems with wisdom teeth as I was told by the dentist some while ago he wasn't sure if I'd have room in my mouth for all the wisdom teeth coming in, no idea if this could have an affect on my symptoms

13-09-15, 10:20
When my problems started I was advised to go to dentist to get teeth and jaw checked xx

---------- Post added at 10:20 ---------- Previous post was at 10:19 ----------

Of the problems wisdom teeth cause, the most common complaint associated with impacted wisdom teeth is pain. A person may have soreness or pain in the back part of the jaw, ear ache, sore throat or pain in the side of the face.

13-09-15, 18:12
So worryingly or maybe not after my full eye exam today the optician says there is no change to my prescription I already have and to start using eye drops. But as far as she can see there's no issue with my left eye.

This sets my mind into overdrive now. What if my sight problems are being caused by something else more serious.

God I hate thinking this way. All rational thought is out the window