View Full Version : I'm Screwed

Messed Up
09-02-07, 22:02
Hey all. I havebeen dealing with GAD for the past 2 years, and I feel that I losing this battle. The pain is unberable, the meds aren't helping I just don't know what to do. I have had every test that there is, but I guess the biggest test is me. Doc's keep telling me that my heart is fine, but when your standing and it feels that someone or something is pulling you back and forth, your legs feel like there not there, you chest is killing you, but yet A doctor said I was ok ....SO WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME!!!!

I can't do this. Some people say it's the meds, some say it's the way you think. I can't thinks anymore. I feel great when I play hockey, even though it took me alittle less that 2 years to finally get back on my skates in fear of have a heart attack, but I feel like a million dollars. But then the next day is anybody's guess. I'll wake up in the morning ok, but then I stand up 20min's later and here we go again.

I guess I have to deal with this, but my question is How? and Why? The how is how di it happen, and the why me.

I guess this is one of those sicknesses that play's with your life. My biggest thing is Knowing the unknown, right now thought I don't know

Thanks all for reading this. I would appriciate any respose

Good Luck to everyone

We need it!!![:I]

09-02-07, 22:44
sometimes there is no point in looking for reason just hav to accept that u hav anixety. i2hav panics about heart attacks.had ecg etc dun dec and still worrying about every pain,ache,sensation etc.i go automatically to oh my god im having heart attack,even rang ambulance before now.guess it just learning how to accept that these r just feeling of anixety,easier said than dun i no and they r real but wont do us any harm.


10-02-07, 10:36
Hi mate

You sound just like me a few years ago. I stopped playing football at 30 fearing I was going to have a heart attack any minute. I had all the tests then eventually diagnosed with GAD, but I now know it was more health anxiety than GAD, as I was not a constant worrier until the anxiety hit.

I am new here too, and posted an intro explaining some of my anxiety history. Basically, I seldom suffer these days, I do have bad days but not many, I just came across this site and its handy to have a place when anxiety strikes.

One thing I know for sure though, anxiety without an obvious cause is an illness of how you think. Have you considered seeking out a talking therapy? There is a book by a guy called Dr Burns called "Feeling Good, the new mood therapy". It shows some good results using CBT type therapies compared with med therapy alone (although some experts beleive meds can compliment talk therapies).

Keep yourself fit mate, eat well, and then move forward to find what works best for you. Personally, I tried a few things but a book by Claire Weekes helped me no end, and got back in the gym, started doing the basics, eating the right stuff, rest, exercise, and studying her books.

Training myself to challenge those thoughts was probably the biggest benefit to me.

Now when I get a stabbing chest pain, my mind automatically challenges the anxious thoughts, in the old days I would think, this is it, I knew my heart would give out soon, all those docs were wrong. Now I think (and it took a while) ouch, my chest, still, just a muscle, or bit of tension, nothing I have not had before, everyone gets aches and pains.

There is a whole section here on health anxiety, have a flick through, the common thing I noticed is that most people are fixed mentally on a particular percieved health issue, usually the heart, or a high BP reading. However, alot mention that they have been to the doc and are physically well. See were the thinking fools us? Thats why I really do belieive its the way we think about a situation or feeling, unlock that way of thinking? then your on your way.

Mind you, if I read what I am typing now, 9 years ago I would be saying "thats easy for you to say". Still, if it was that easy, no one would suffer from anxiey ;).

Hope you find your recovery soon mate.


10-02-07, 12:08

A big warm welcome to you.

"When There Was Only One It Was Then That I Carried You."

10-02-07, 14:25
Hi there

A warm welcome aboard.

Hope we can be of some help to you.

Check out this post for more info too .....

Links to posts about Common Problems (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7784)


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

10-02-07, 16:43

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain'

10-02-07, 19:55
Hi There and welcome to NMP
I came to this site at the end of last year. Its a great place to be when you feel like you do at the moment, everyone is so supportive. There is no reason that you feel the way you do one day and not the next, its how anxiety is. Accepting that is half the battle I think. We all know the fear is irrational, but at the time feels real.
You'll meet some great poeople here.
Welcome aboard.

10-02-07, 23:33
Hiya Mate

You are not alone and we will help you all we can. So many off us have been at the bottom and thought there was no way up but there is and we will help you, they all helped me out of it.

Believe its one of the best cures you can have.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

10-02-07, 23:38

A big welcome to the site..great support n advice on here x

Take care,
Lin xxx
"Fear is dat lil darkroom, wer negatives r developed", so positive thoughts okies!!!!!

11-02-07, 01:25
Jaco45er hit the nail on the head. All good advice.

11-02-07, 10:45
hiya, i agree totally with jaco45. when we feel as bad as we do, we fear the fear. we are afraid of how we feel, cause we know how bad it can get, and dont want to feel like it, so...we fear it. this makes our anxiety worse. i know its hard to do, but when you have one of the signs, just think, i ve had it before, it didnt kill me, its very unpleasant, but it will eventually go, and beleive me, eventually, it does.
take care