View Full Version : Here we go again urine worries

12-09-15, 21:14
So I've been posting a lot recently about my anxiety and one of my things at the moment is checking my urine for blood.

I had a test at the GP's last week due to this and they said it was absolutely perfect nothing in there that shouldn't be.

So as it goes with HA I was relieved for all of 5 mins and then started thinking what if that sample was clear but it's there at other times.

I've been having a bit of discomfort after urinating in the urethra area but I go through phases of having this and when my anxiety is high this seems to be something I get. It then disappears for weeks/months etc.

Anyway tonight I go to pee get up to flush the chain and notice that on the pan (not in the urine) there are some red/pink specks which look like blood.

I get into a complete panic and fly downstairs saying to my husband I'm off to the walk in centre as I definitely have blood in the toilet after peeing and he replies "it's brick dust". I look at him bemused and he explains whilst doing some drilling in the bathroom this afternoon there was a lot of brick dust. He said he wiped it all up and flushed it down the toilet but because of how fine it is there must have still been some around the pan as he had done a double take earlier thinking there was some blood in the pan and then remembered all the brick dust that was everywhere.

So I don't know what to do. I've been again and there was no blood anywhere, I also noticed that after I'd been there was no blood on the toilet paper and none in the pan with the urine it was just a couple of spots on the side of the pan.

Part of me wants to dash off and get a check but I'm trying to fight my anxiety and thinking this isn't going to help if I give in again and run off to the walk in centre.

I hate this, any rational person would just think it's brickdust and forget about it.

12-09-15, 21:33
You know its brick dust, you husband knows its brick dust:) It would be a complete waste of the walk in centres time and money if you go to them as any urine sample would be clear. This is def one time where you need to fight your HA and accept the totally obvious. Keep strong.

12-09-15, 22:08
Nine times out of ten you won't see the blood in your wee anyway. It is brick dust - blood would not present itself in wee that way anyway x

12-09-15, 22:24
Thanks guys, I hate this anxiety, my husband can't even understand why I'm worrying after having a clear dipstick test last week, but you know what's it like there's always the doubt there!

13-09-15, 13:48
I had blood in my urine it made my urine a cloudy brown colour not red

13-09-15, 19:54
Thanks Cags

I wish I could just stop checking. All day today I've been checking every time I go.

I just keep thinking what if it wasn't brick dust. God I hate HA it sucks!

14-09-15, 09:15
Munchlet, stop worrying. You know there's nothing wrong as you've been tested and there's an explanation for what you saw - brick dust! Be kind to yourself, stop checking and give yourself a rest . Leave the light off or shut your eyes when you go if it helps.

By the way, did you know you could have blood in your wee from interstitial cystitis - which us cystitis without infection? Unpleasant, but relatively harmless.

You replied to my worries about this sort of thing a few days ago and it really helped. Since then, I've been back to GP and had a further test - no infection although he does think I have some menopause related problems so has given me something for that!

So I've decided to believe him and try to get on with my life. I'm still having symptoms but am doing a bit of an experiment and focusing my attention on another part of my body (my neck) where I don't have problems to see if it's possible to start noticing every little sensation by doing this. So far it's working as I've found myself quite preoccupied with swallowing sensations and a dry throat. Which is proof, don't you think, that we can bring these things on with anxiety? I don't suppose it will work for any length of time but it is for now:shrug:
Take care and try to stop worrying xx

14-09-15, 15:01
Thanks Pigeon, isn't it funny how we can rationalise other peoples worries but never our own!!

I am giving myself a break I have heard of intertestial cystitis and on occasion wondered if I had it as for as long as I can remember I've had problems with needing to go to the toilet constantly. I also go through phases where it feels like there's something wrong but there's never an infection present.

Funny you should say about menopause as my hormones are all over the place and I've not had a period for nearly three months, I've had loads of scans and they just said it's age related etc but I always find these symptoms seem to come on when I've having problems with periods which is interesting.

I have got the Dr ringing me on Wed but more because I want to see if there's anything I can do to try and get rid of these symptoms.

Glad you are managing to focus on other things, it's a very hard thing to do but sounds like you are doing well at the moment.

Take Care x

14-09-15, 16:38
Yes Munchlet, I'm the world's worst for giving out reassurance/advice but not being able to take it myself.

Its a symptom of the illness I think and though some say reassurance seeking isn't helpful, I'm at a loss as to what I should do if I'm worried. It's not really an active choice - the need for it is overwhelming for most of us.

Others say to actively seek help with the HA instead of focusing on symptoms - which I have, and sometimes it helps me to keep things under control, but at other times it doesn't.

Its a good job we all have NMP and each other! :yesyes: