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View Full Version : Does anybody else here get sinus/mild congestion trouble with anxiety?

13-09-15, 07:24
The last few days i have had sinus issues, some congestion etc. i have had sinus problems for years now, but nothing serious just very mild and i am just wondering whether anxiety is a contributor towards it. when i get headaches they're usually from stress/anxiety so i know they are mostly tension headaches.

13-09-15, 07:30
Hi there
I seem to get it a lot but I have never really thought wether it was anxiety related, I guess it could be. I always assumed it to be more allergy related x

13-09-15, 07:39
Hi there
I seem to get it a lot but I have never really thought wether it was anxiety related, I guess it could be. I always assumed it to be more allergy related x

could be. the weather is not great at the moment with it changing from being rainy for a duration, then being warm and sunny so it's hard to adapt too. i been feeling really tired too with it. do you get tired? i think maybe my anxiety and panicking is causing the tiredness though, and also restlessness.

13-09-15, 08:40
Yes, I am very tired too and that I would definitely say is from the anxiety. Being anxious is very very exhausting xx

14-09-15, 01:59
I have chronic sinus problems - it never really goes away. I take codrol daily to keep my nasal passages open. Nasonex triggers my anxiety so I only use it when its absolutely necessary. I find that when I have a sinus flare up I do get quite anxious about everything and I tend to associate those symptoms (facial pain or a sensation) with unrealistic thoughts which in turn usually trigger a panic attack - about anything and everything. These feelings last for about a week, I can only explain the way I feel afterward as going through a traumatic event, Im tired, exhausted, I feel like a little girl and just want my Mum. It takes a bit for me to get back to feel semi normal where the irrational thought process is replaced with rational responses how it should be until I get another flare up and ..... well the process starts again.