View Full Version : Weed triggered anxiety from panic attack

13-09-15, 09:50
Hey everyone, I never really post on these forums so I'm not exactly sure how to layer this but I guess I just need to vent as parents dont particularly understand

When I was around 8 years old i had meningitis, i survived (obviously) but it left me with confidence issues and anxiety for reasons I dont know. Being young i didnt really understand anxiety and it freaked me out for a year or two till I eventually overcame it i suppose, and stopped caring. I'm 19 now.

Lately I've been extremely stressed, break up with my first love, trouble sleeping at night etc. and my friend invited me to his for a party a couple weeks ago. I went and there was alcohol weed etc. I decided not to drink because you shouldn't mix the two, I smoked around 2 joints and I rarely smoke weed but I have a decent tolerance to it. After the second joint i started tripping and everything was surreal and dreamlike, my heart started racing and i had a panic attack for an hour feeling as if i would die. I believe the weed was skunk and was terrible in quality

Since then I've been having dreams every night, feeling surreal all the time and cloudy, and i've been sleeping in the day and staying up all night, plus i've been getting extremely nervous and panicky.

Has the weed triggered my anxiety again? I've been under so much stress I think it's just came back and I dont know how to deal with it. Certainly never smoking weed again or doing any sorts of drugs.

13-09-15, 15:01
Hi there
That bit where you said you survived the meningitis (obviously) made me laugh so much.
Unfortunately a lot if us find out the hard way that weed and alcohol can bring on nasty anxiety symptoms.
What you have to do now is relax about it and give yourself time. But, given what has happened to you and I speak from experience here, just stay away from drugs.
For your anxiety I would recommend reading Claire Weekes. You will get better! Xx
If you need anything just let me know

13-09-15, 15:09
I have seen people have anxiety and panic triggered by weed quite frequently. Like you said, it could have been "bad" weed, but sometimes even "good" weed can do that. Like Sial said, relax and give yourself time to feel better.

15-09-15, 04:08
Around 2 months ago I was about a month into my citalopram and was feeling amazing!! Went to my class reunion and drank waaaay too much! I didn't have any anxiety that night but for a week after I had anxiety every day and terrible attacks!! I've been better since but i believe it seriously threw me into a week of anxiety! Haven't and won't drink again!!

15-09-15, 09:41
I first tried weed when I was 16 and it gave me some of the worst panic attacks I have ever experienced and I have just stayed away from it since. I never felt right for weeks after smoking it. I was so on edge and everything scared me. I know weed can help some people with anxiety and its great if they get a benefit from it but from my own experience and many people I know, I advise staying away from weed altogether if you have anxiety issues.

15-09-15, 10:48
For me weed and alcohol proved to be terrible for anxiety. My best friend is a drugs therapist and without wanting to share any scary stories but seriously people with anxiety should stay well away xx

17-09-15, 16:50
Thank you all for the replies and yeah I'm definitely staying away from weed, forever. I dont know it's just I keep getting a feeling of depersonalization and I hate it. Guess i should just get out the house and try and take my mind off of it