View Full Version : Dizzy after exercise?

13-09-15, 18:15
I've had heart anxieties for a while that come and go - normally a few days on and a few days off on average. I get the usual anxiety symptoms of chest discomfort, left shoulder ache, light headedness, tiredness, irritability, and occasional feelings of rushes or surges in something, I assume adrenaline. I also get random fast heart beats and a feeling like it's not beating in rhythm.

I've had quite a few ECGs, an echo, chest xrays, a stress echo and a few full blood tests and all is fine. However, I've never had symptoms during those tests.

I'm 30, no family history of problems, my cholesterol is great. I don't smoke or drink, eat pretty well, and I'm not overweight. I'm 6 feet 1 and weigh 12 stone 6.

I am pretty inactive though - I have a desk job and when I come home, I tend to sit on the sofa most of the night.

For the last 4/5 days, I've started to get light headedness more often - it's now a pretty constant 24/7 symptom.

Recently, I've started doing the NHS Couch to 5K program which gets me jogging every other day. I managed the first 5 weeks with no problems, including the 20 min jog with no breaks. I always felt exhausted and sweated a huge amount after but I never felt like there was a heart problem.

People say I should feel invigorated by exercise but I don't at all. It always exhausts me.

Today, I did the first Week 6 session, after having a 5 day break due to family commitments. I was also running on wet grass which might have tired me out more. However, I managed the 5 min jog, 3 min walk, 8 min jog, 3 min walk, 5 min jog session, although I felt like it was a bigger struggle than usual. When I finished, I started to do a 5 min warm down walk and I felt very dizzy and light headed.

I didn't faint, finished the walk, got home and had a banana and now I feel a bit better, although still a bit anxious. I know that exercise and dizziness is a massive red flag for a heart issue.

I didn't do anything differently for this session than I normally do - I didn't eat for 2 hrs before, drank plenty of water etc. No change to the routine. The only difference is the gap between sessions.

Do people have any thoughts about whether anxiety could cause dizziness after exercise? Do people think that because I've been getting light headed recently, and its the one symptom that scares me the most, that I was subconsciously worried about exercising and that's what's caused it? Or should I take the dizziness as a bad sign and book a GP appointment?

Thanks in advance

13-09-15, 19:00
I think anxiety and working out doesn't gel well together at all. I have often felt tired and dizzy after a workout when i am anxious, it's all about taking it easy. You shouldn't go too crazy, but just enough to get up a healthy sweat when your anxiety is high. It is frustating i know, but just go easy. I would go and see the doctor though, because you always want to be sure and put your mind at rest. Sorry pal, i can't be much more of a help. If you have any more worries feel free to post again and i will try help as much as possible.

13-09-15, 19:03
I was a little reassured that I didn't feel dizzy DURING exercise but it was the after effects during warm down that got me worried. Hopefully it was just my anxiety kicking in