View Full Version : Worried this is oral cancer or pre stages

13-09-15, 19:28
Five days ago I had some bumps on the roof of my mouth. The next day they were gone and instead, a smooth red section took their place. For the last four days this has been very red and very painful. If anything at all touches it, it hurts a lot. The pain hasn't subsided and the redness and area doesn't seem to have started healing whatsoever. I've never had a mouth issue last thus long where I couldn't see any progress.

13-09-15, 19:47
I'm a OC survivor. The rule of thumb is: If you have a node, lesion or area that doesn't resolve in a few weeks, see your doctor. In the mean time, rinse your mouth with a solution of 16oz water, 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of salt.

Positive thoughts

13-09-15, 19:55
Remember it's only been 5 days - definitely not a time period to be worrying about cancer or anything. Although, of course, if you weren't worried about it you wouldn't be on this site! It sounds to me like irritation, and as far as I can see oral cancer doesn't generally present as spots which disappear and then turn the area painful. I've been extremely worried about oral cancer lately and my advice is to go to the dentist because they're the experts where the mouth is concerned. I was a nervous wreck and my dentist reassured me within seconds of seeing what I was so scared about.. and as fishmanpa said above, rinse rinse rinse!

13-09-15, 21:48
I wish I could go to the dentist right now, but I don't have dental insurance and can't really afford to just pay for a check up. I hope it resolves on it's own and it isn't what I'm afraid it is since I can't really get it checked.

01-05-16, 00:43
So over the last few days, I've had some issues with my mouth. The first was a cold sore on my lip. That one is fine because it's already almost all healed up. But last night I also saw another sore inside of my lip. Hoping it's just a canker sore but worried it is something else. To top it all off, I have this new thing I just found. It honestly looks like someone took a black pen and made a dot inside my cheek. It's that small and not raised. Not sure how long it has been there, but it's the first I've seen it and I'm worried it's a sign of mouth cancer that may get worse. No idea what else it could be. It's super small, but it's black. Doesn't hurt, not raised, and never would have noticed it if I wasn't already looking at the other sore, but now I'm freaking out.

Edit: the glands or lymph nodes on the side of my neck have actually been hurting and been super tender too. Worried it's all related

01-05-16, 00:47
I know what the black dot is because I had one not too long ago. It's just a blood blister that happened because you bit your cheek in the inside without noticing, it bled, and it created the little hematoma.

It will go away on its own in a while.

01-05-16, 01:03
Hm and it was that small? I've had one blood blister before that was big and I popped, but this is just a tiny black dot.

01-05-16, 01:23
A tiny black dot the size of a marker dot is not indicative of any oral cancer I've heard about and I'm a survivor. Your HA of course is telling you different and I see you're starting to spiral with the poking and prodding etc. You didn't have OC last fall and I have the feeling you don't now especially at your age

Reassurance isn't the answer so if you're that concerned, see your doctor and let us know what he/she says. I'll be waiting to tell you "told ya so' ;)

Positive thoughts

21-01-18, 00:28
It's been at least weeks since I've noticed it, but who knows how long it's actually been there. I'm not even sure how to describe the location. It's not on the hard palate but kind of in between that and the hard part of the gums on the inner side of teeth.

If you take your tongue and reach it as far back as you can even past the final molar on top, that's where it is.

Anyways, I felt with my tongue recently that there was a small lump. If I look in my mouth, there is no sore or anything. But I can feel it with my tongue and finger. I just touched it with my hand again and I believe it is movable as well but I'm not 100 percent on that. It doesn't currently hurt to the touch but weeks ago, it was tender when I would use my finger.

I can't get it looked at until February 5th, and my health anxiety was doing so well for about a year now, but now I'm freaking out and it's affecting my sleep amongst other things.

21-01-18, 00:50
I have one on both sides of the back of the roof of my mouth, they are bone.

21-01-18, 01:04
I sure hope that's all it is. It just worries me that it only showed up recently, it's on one side, and it did hurt at one point and may be movable which makes me think it isn't bone. What does yours feel like to your tongue and finger and how big is it?

21-01-18, 01:54
Have you ever had teeth removed back there? I had all of my wisdom teeth out and each area feels a little different/strange.

21-01-18, 02:04
I sure hope that's all it is. It just worries me that it only showed up recently, it's on one side, and it did hurt at one point and may be movable which makes me think it isn't bone. What does yours feel like to your tongue and finger and how big is it?

It feels like a hard lump when I touch it with my tongue, I'm not sticking my finger back there I'll gag. lol

21-01-18, 02:24
Haha fair enough. Mine isn't in a spot that makes me gag.

No teeth removed back there and last time I got x rays a year and a half ago, I didn't even have my top wisdom teeth anywhere so don't think it can be teeth related

21-01-18, 04:16
I have one on both sides of the back of the roof of my mouth, they are bone.

Same here, so it/they're anatomically normal, reassuring :)

21-01-18, 04:35
I guess I'd feel better thinking it's just bone if it didn't seem semi movable. Though I'd still wonder why suddenly there is bone poking like that

21-01-18, 20:41
Did you ever find out what these are?. I have the exact same problem right now.

21-01-18, 21:16
I get these a lot and I have one now. It's where you bite the inside of your cheek and it forms a tiny blood blister. I usually do this in my sleep without noticing because I clench my jaw and grind my teeth at night.

21-01-18, 21:33

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


27-01-18, 17:45
Did you find out what that red patch was? I have the same red patch in my mouth