View Full Version : Fear of cancer cells somewhere in my body

13-09-15, 21:27
Hi all,

I am doing better with my anxiety at the moment in so much that it isn't consuming my every waking moment. I am also not obsessing over one symptom in particular. However I can't shake this kind of background fear that there are cancer cells lurking somewhere in my body waiting to develop. This probably sounds crazy and I guess it is. I keep thinking that I need to change my diet (I don't eat too badly but too much sugar and processed food) but then I get this thought that somewhere in my body cancer has probably started already and it's probably too late. I know this sounds irrational. It is irrational, but it could also be true. Can anyone else relate?

13-09-15, 21:41
Yes it's irrational :hugs: don't worry so much about it. If you really are worried then visit your doctor. I get these thoughts like crazy when i'm suffering with anxiety, so it's natural to overthink and stress out over these things. Just try to keep a good diet, cut back on the sugar and processed food, even learn to cook a couple new dishes and add them to your meal time each week. I seriously wouldn't start stressing over something so miniscule, i mean you're presuming there's the dreaded C in your body, when it's highly unlikely to anything other than a side effect of your anxiety symptoms. Try to relax and not think about it, easier said than done I know, but just try. Watch some comedy films or series to help ease your mind and laugh your fears away. If you're still concerned then book an appointment with your doctor.

13-09-15, 22:01
Thank you :)
It's very good advice to focus on the positives. I am terribly afraid of death and I think this fear is essentially a fear that the process of death has already started and there is nothing I can do to stop it. I think if I could somehow truly stop being scared of death, I would feel a great deal of freedom but I have no idea how this would be possible. Thanks again for the reply :)